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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Biden's Angry Rant Speech in Philly


U.S. pResident Joe Biden gave an angry, unbalanced speech in Philadelphia yesterday about voter fraud, making wild claims about the Republicans passing laws against voter fraud to be acts worse than the Civil War. See this Conservative Treehouse article for details. 

As the author, "Sundance" writes, "the need for control is a reaction to fear". The Left's endless need for control is a reaction to their fear of being rejected, or their evil schemes revealed, and in this case, fear the stolen election of 2020 will become common knowledge and of course they fear the nation-wide explosion that would cause.
An excerpt:
The need for control is a reaction to fear.  That fear was what Biden displayed above all other attributes.  A fear that more American people will begin to see the false construct of his installation.  A fear that those who perpetrated the fraud of his election will be exposed because the scale of their manipulation is far too great to continue hiding.

The fear that a small amount of actual investigation, with more audits looming, will reveal how a few key corrupt counties coordinated a massive election fraud.  Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, the location of Tuesday’s sanctimonious diatribe -delivered by a naked emperor- was the location of the largest fraud.  Other locations include: Clark County (NV), Fulton County (GA), Maricopa County (AZ), Wayne County (Mich) and Milwaukee County (Wisc).

The angry speech was full of projection, denial and extreme defensiveness.

An P again:
It is no wonder Biden's so agitated because "the wheels are coming off" the fraudulent election of 2020. Three states look to have full audits of the necessary counties, and if the fraud is found, only one more state needs "flipped" to destroy the Biden pResidency. Not only is news coming out of the Arizona audit every day that indicates massive fraud occurred in Maricopa County (one of the, if not THE, most populous counties in the country); then in both Georgia and Pennsylvania, more evidence of fraud is being uncovered  and remember, the evidence was there from the beginning, but the Department of Justice (DOJ) under Bill Barr refused to look into it, even stopping federal investigators and prosecutors who did want to investigate, such as William M. McSwain, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

So, perhaps in this case, the Democrats have finally gone too far. They got Jack Kennedy elected in a squeaker in 1960, with old Joe Kennedy saying, "I didn't pay for a landslide!" and they have a long and incredible history of election thievery – the Republicans have some history of that but nothing to compare to the Democrats. Yet in 2020, the Dems had to steal just too much to make it work. Now it is all unraveling. 2020 is not 1960: there's too many ways for information to leak out these days. But as usual, the Democrats are "behind the times". 2020 is not 1960: there's too many ways for information to leak out these days. But as usual, the Democrats are "behind the times". And naturally, the more they threaten and bluster, like Biden is doing, the more guilty they look. 

N.B. It is ironic that Biden makes such claims as it was the Democrats not accepting Lincoln's win in 1860 that precipitated the U.S. Civil War: they didn't practice voter fraud in that election any more than they usually did; they just didn't accept Lincoln winning. (They barely, just barely, accepted Trump's win in 2016 and vowed he would not be re-elected.) Later, after that war, it was the Democrats who prevented Blacks from voting via the notorious "Jim Crow Laws", and it was Democrats who worked against Black Civil Rights for a century. And it is the Democrats who blame the Republicans for suppressing the Black vote!

But remember that Democrats have been in the forefront of voter fraud since the beginning. Slave owners would not sign the U.S. Constitution of 1787 until the Northern states adopt the infamous 3/5s clause, which counted Black slaves as 3/5s of a white man for deciding how many congressmen each state would have. Blacks were chattel slaves, not in possession of any rights whatsoever (unlike Catholic Brazil, for example), but they were numerous. So counting them via the 3/5s clause, the Southern States cheated the Northern States from the very beginning of the country.

And all of that was before they became Communists!

An Préachán

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