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Friday, June 18, 2021

"Three-way-squeeze" will result in Biden's departure from the presidency...


See The Three-Way-Squeeze here for a great read, a "futurist" speculation about the near future.

It's a fascinating essay by James Howard Kunstler (novelist, political writer, blogger) on the near future. He predicts the Joe Biden Administration will last "probably" till the Fall (Autumn for non-U.S. English) of this year, and I myself predicted Biden himself wouldn't last through April. However, I didn't count on Biden's wife, "Dr Jill", who seems to be replaying the role of Woodrow Wilson's wife, Edith Bolling, in the last months of that dictator's presidency. (Wilson had suffered a stroke in October of 1919.) It's now mid-June and the zombie "Zhou Xiden" is still tethered to his wife or the puppet strings of whoever is controlling him, but this trip to Europe and the G7 was so cringe-worthy embarrassing as to be utterly appalling.

(I actually prepared an email a few days ago with many examples of Biden's stumbles, mumbles, bumbles and "get-off-my-lawn" rage reactions (like his clutching his answer notebook to his chest, leaning into the microphone, and breathing in clear rage the words, "I've only been here 120 days, ok? C'mon, man! Give me a break!", but these burlesques are all over the Net.)

As noted, Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke and his wife filled in for him. But America has never elected the brain-dead before. It has elected cripples such as John Kennedy (severe pain in his back) and the paralyzed FDR. The U.S.A. has otherwise had all sorts of presidents, from demi-gods like Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt to competent but forgotten men like James Monroe and James K. Polk and Calvin Coolidge, not to mention would-be dictators such as Woodrow Wilson and FDR, Theodore's distant cousin, and of course scoundrels galore, like Andrew Johnson and JFK and LBJ (and of course many would place Nixon at the head of the list, but he couldn't hold a candle to LBJ, the worst president the country ever had!) and we've even had a gay president, James Buchanan (of course the word wasn't invented back then but check out his history – interestingly, no one seemed to care about his private life.) Finally, we've had our share of incompetent presidents, such as Warren G. Harding (also a sort of scoundrel, maybe even the "master scoundrel" of them all, right, Mike?:), Herbert Hoover, and the ever luckless Jimmy Carter.

We're never had, however, a non compos mentos president! Biden is not "there" mentally; this is manifest. He exhibits this senility almost every time he is in public. It is so bad even his fawning press are mocking him nowWe've never had anyone like Biden.

Presumably his "puppet master" is Obama, or Obama's "brain", Valerie Jarret. Behind them are globalists like George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. Yet even as a figurehead, this trip to Europe has shown Biden to be simply grotesque, a simulacrum of a man. In truth, he always was basically stupid, a plagiarist intellectually who endlessly grabbed women's butts or spent time sniffing girls' hair, and ever and always raking in money via his brother and son. (Woodrow Wilson, in contrast, was an actual intellectual and a university professor at Princeton – when that meant something, indeed – then president of Princeton, and later governor of New Jersey! Of course, he later became a dictator, and created the first fascist state in the world, before Mussolini even invented the word! But still, he was a man of actual accomplishment.) But now, finally, Biden is on the world's stage and he's just too much. He has to go. So does Kamala Harris, who – after her disastrous trip to Guatemala – is clearly incapable of being president. Harris is currently 'on the run' from going to the Border, as Biden (or more likely, "Dr Jill") made Harris 'Border tsar', and she's avoiding that job like the plague. Harris, who came in last of all the Democrat candidates, actually never ran a real political campaign before; she was placed in her various roles owing her advancement in California politics to her carnal relations with a married Willie Brown, a powerful CA politician. She's a sort of "Animal House" sorority version the idiots in that famous 1978 movie, and her incompetence is stunning.  

Therefore, the blogs (blogs not on the Left, I should point out, but even some of those are embarrassed by Biden; he's just too embarrassing for anyone) are full of articles about how the U.S. is doomed. This Kunstler article is better written many and quite insightful. Kunstler's "Three-way-squeeze" pretty much covers the Biden situation.

I highly recommend it.

An P

1 comment:

  1. O'Bama is not running the show.
