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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Dallas Mask-Wearing Incident: Time to unleash all Hell on ...

 ... the mainstream Catholic Church? Pretty much, the mainstream Church is unleashing all Hell on itself. Honestly, this lamentable report from Dallas is too much.

A lot of video with this link, and I suggest anyone interested in the Church watch look into it. Of course, there's two sides to every story, and more will be coming out about this, I'm sure. But as of now; A pregnant woman, Deirdre Hairston, with a one-year-old, was "removed" in Church, after going to Communion, by a policewoman (backed up by two male officers) who first interrupted her post Communion prayer and asked her to leave, then grabbed her arm, dragging her out, while an usher screamed, "Lock her up!" Deirdre was ticketed for trespassing. Yep. Trespassing at a Catholic Church during Mass. Her husband was present, as well, as you see in her video of the incident.

Enough, people. Enough.

Had I been there and saw this, there's the possibility I'd be in jail now for police assault, because I might have tried to intervene, the old dilapidated Barliman Butterbur that I am. But maybe I have taken too long to realize what was happening? The police entered, went right to Deirdre, spoke to her and she and her husband and child went outside to talk over what was happening. Also, it is important to note that NO ONE in the congregation came to her aid, asked what was going on, etc. I assume the police would have brushed them off or arrested them for interfering, whatever gambit they use now. 

The diocese has issued a statement here

To wit:
In it, they state that Hairston wasn’t arrested or ticketed, merely issued a trespass warning. They also said the pastor of the parish has required masks at Mass out of concern for the health and welfare of its entire congregation. Hairston and her husband said that isn’t true. They said it wasn’t required – only encouraged.Furthermore, the church expects “the faithful to wear masks out of charity and concern for others,” the church continued.
The Diocese is looking into the details regarding the incident, and said, “recognizing that this pandemic has been stressful for everyone, an increase in patience and charity is necessary during these days.”
Ron again:
"Patience and charity"??? The word "hypocrisy" mean anything to anyone anymore? How 'bout the bishop and the diocese go get stuffed? In charity, of course, and patience. We could use a slow, patient speak: "Go. Get. Stuffed." There, very charitable. 

A video embedded in this article has Taylor Marshall interviewing the young mother in question, Deirdre, and within that video her film of the arrest (or whatever it could be called). Something you ought to see. Deirdre says, 'This just proves all this more...that is obviously a political statement (of the Church's and the police); it's about complying, it's not about health.'

That's of course what the entire Covid fiasco-hoax is ALL about. Making us all "lie down" as the old Orange song says, "Croppie, lie down!"

Deirdre also notes how the police kept saying that the Church is a business, so apparently businesses can demand mask compliance in Texas, a state that ended state-mandated mask compliance. And Taylor Marshall points out that the government keeps says, from local police to the president (well, the 'pResident') that the Church is just a business. "Once we lose that ground, the 'Church is just a business', we're in big trouble." Indeed. Ugly materialism triumphant. Deirdre herself says, "I told her (the police woman), 'This isn't MacDonald's; this is a sanctuary.'" Both Deirdre and Marshall point out that the bishop actually owns the building and only he could call for a trespassing charge.

Deirdre was issued a warning and is never allowed back on the this church's property again. There was no fine, but she didn't stick around to press the issue. They made it very clear to her that if she goes back to that church, she'll be arrested. The video shows her husband trying to explain to the woman police officer that the bishop owns the church as has issued a mandate, but a mandate that actually says wearing a mask is requested but not required. The  cop can only say, "Take it up with them." Obviously, these Dallas churchmen never read First Corinthians 6:1, "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?"

And both Marshall and Deirdre were shocked that no one not even came to Deirdre's aid, but no one showed ANY interested or curiosity -- at all. And Marshall showed this photo from a church in Florida:
Inline image
The vaccinated get to sit on the right side of the church but the lepers (i.e. unwashed) have to sit on the left.

At the end, Deirdre asks, "It this really about health, or is this about control?" and of course that is what it is ALL about.

So, what? Demean yourself for a totally useless (indeed, mask wearing is detrimental to your health (see Dr. Delores Cahill on that, here, starting at 10:30 into the interview). So, mask wearing is bad for you. See also this article at America's Frontline Doctors.

So, as I say, enough is enough.

It so happens that in another venue yesterday, I came across the following post from a man in NY state who left the Church over this sort of thing:
March 30, 2021 6:07 am

The Catholic Church is the absolute worst, at least in suburban Westchester, NY.

In addition to all the insanity regarding religious services, the pastors no longer allow any community groups to use parish facilities.

This includes the seniors who play Bingo as well as AA and NA groups who have not been allowed to hold meetings in the church hall for over a year.

Our AA groups have been decimated and we have lost many people who most likely went back out drinking.

I have heard horror stories about the increase in drunk driving not to mention all the other problems that befall alcoholics who go back out there.

The parish priest I deal with is worse than any politician; in fact, he is an inhuman sociopath who seems to enjoy telling us we can no longer use the giant space where we have held our meetings for over 40 years.

The room has capacity of 350 people while all our groups are less than 30 people.

I have tried everything including quoting scripture to no avail. I have reported him and others to the Archdiocese which is just like telling FU Schumer.

This is why so many Christians like myself have left the Catholic Church. It is a thoroughly corrupt institution that doesn’t follow the teachings of Christ.

I tried to comment on his comment, but after all, what can you say? And can anyone be surprised? This priest, and his idiot bishop, wouldn't even let the AA meet! It just leaves one speechless. "Masked", one might say, actually.

An Préachán

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