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Monday, January 4, 2021

January 6th: Twilight... into Darkness... or...

 ...or Dawn? I am afraid I doubt the latter.


It sure look like utter Darkness for all of us, doesn't it? Things keep happening, often seemingly on a minute-by-minute basis, but I wanted to get this written now. First of wall, the following interview of Stephen K. Bannon with Archbishop Viganò has just been published at Gateway Pundit.
Ignore the pop-ups and read it. It is direct and clear about what is happening and what we need to do.

A Review of the situation:
The Election Process at this Late Stage
Right now the idea is that on January 6th (which happens to be the Feast of the Epiphany), some Republicans in both Houess will challenge the electors for China-agent Joe Biden from certain states, requiring the Congress to temporarily halt the validation process, separate into its two houses and hold a two-hour debate per each objected-to set of electors, and then they vote: if a majority in each House votes to accept the challenged electors, then the challenged electors are accepted. Otherwise, they're rejected. Since the Democrats control the House and since RINO (GOPe) senators, in collusion with Democrats, control the Senate (even assuming the two feckless Republican candidates in Georgia some how win their races on January 5th), then evidence or no evidence, the electors of "China Joe" the demented woman groper and girl hair sniffer will be accepted.

Apparently the big hope is that in debate on January 6th (and going on into January 7th, as about six states will be objected to, and each having its two-hour debate), the grotesque voter fraud will be revealed for all to see via the Congressional debates, and thus cannot be "swept under the rug" by the Mainstream Media.

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks in this link below details, in a very few minutes, a list of illegal voting activities; Ohio's Jim Jordan is also great in this short interview.
An excerpt:
Mo Brooks: "How this plays out is dependent on the American people. This is an organic movement that has risen up from angry American voters, 70-plus million, who have been disenfrancised by voter fraud and theft. To the extent they contact their senators and their congressmen, and demand an honest and accurate election, then we're going to win this fight on January 6th. But if the American people do not rise up, if they do not contact their senators and congressmen, then we're not going to win on January 6th."
An Préachán again: the Big Rally
I've seen a number of sources estimate that literally millions of people are enroute to D.C. for the huge rally against the steal on January 6th. Politically, a rally of a million or less will be a huge disappointment; a rally of two million will be ignored. A rally of three or more million will over-awe the wretched politicans in the D.C. hell-hole and force them to re-elect Trump. So goes the theory. But of course, you can fully expect the governing authorities in Maryland, Virginia and D.C. to do everything in their power to stop people from attending. I see the mayor of D.C. has called out the National Guard. Expect all sorts of trouble.

All of the above manoeuvers seems like a longshot, but not intrinsically impossible. Next to impossible, perhaps, but not wholly so. A classic "Hail Mary" pass (so we can definitely pray a lot of Hail Marys!) Millions of people surrounding Congress on January 6th WILL get the attention of the nation. (The world is paying close attention, that's for sure.) It might actually be a "Storming the Bastille" moment. I pray it is. But the Democrats (and their abused spouses, the mainstream RINO Republicans) are ruthless in grasping and holding onto their power. Power is their god, their devil, and their very souls. Give a Democrat an inch, and he'll take ten miles; give a standard Republican an inch and he'll give it back. Such is our political world.

A possible alternative to the Congressional manoeuvers above is whether Vice-President, Mike Pence, in his capacity of officially over-seeing the January 6th events in Congress, himself refuses to accept the challenged electors (if he can do that is unclear constitutionally; should he try it, it would end up in the feckless, useless courts, of course), then the House of Representatives would have to vote for president by state, one vote per state, wherein the Republicans are in the majority there, state-by-state. (Pelosi, just re-elected Speaker – at 80 years of age! – probably wouldn't call that vote.
  • Sending it to the Courts would be good because it would eat up time, and the more time, the more the message and details of the voting fraud get out. (See below.) But few actually expect Mike Pence to do this.
  • One further hope (on a wing and a prayer) would be for the Director National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to suddenly release a M.O.A.B. (mother of all bombs) intelligence report that shows serious foreign involvement in the election, even up to proof of Joe Biden's being a traitor (well, at this point, those who "handle" him since he's non compos mentis). I was counting on this report to be released back on December 18th, and now no one outside of Ratcliffe himself and a handful of others have a clue as to what's going on with this. The silence on it is total. Hence my near despair.
  • That, and the Deep State will stop at nothing, my friends:
And REMEMBER! This is how they treat a President who got us out of foreign wars, achieved real peace in the Middle East, brought manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., and stood up to Abortion Inc., and so on and on. Think about that.

  1. Why, indeed, hasn't DNI Ratcliffe released the report? Are the intelligence agencies (almost all of them certainly "in the bag" for Democrats) the cause of the hold up? Surely Ratcliffe knows it will all be "round-filed" into oblivion if released later at some point in a Biden presidency, just as will the Durham investigation, (if there even is such a thing, which I strongl doubt).
  2. What about all the Court challenges? They've almost all proven useless, especially that incredible (simply unbelievable) Supreme Court decision not to hear Texas' case against Pennsylvania. But was all that intentional? Should V.P. Pence, for example, throw out the challenged Biden electors, how can the Democrats actually take that to the Courts, since the Courts have said this election mess is none of their business? The Supreme Court, especially, has destroyed its reputation, and maybe its power. (They certainly have cut their own throats if Biden's masters "pack the court," but in general a Biden administration will ignore them whenever desired, and a second Trump administration will, too.) Trying to suddenly say, "Oh, NOW we need to get involved!" will make them look utterly venal and partisan. See:
  3. Was the Trump Administration THIS stupid, to have every move of their countered so completely and thus be totally "boxed in"? Or is Trump going to pull a Sun Tzu-style maneuver out of his hat and shatter the bad guys when they least expect it? We know the Democrats "role-played" out war game-style various scenarios, so why weren't the Trump people prepared? Didn't Trump's staff do something similar? It looks like they were inept bunglers and utterly out-manoeuvered, but were they? Or, invoking Occam's Razor, was Donald Trump simply betrayed by close staff like Pat Cipollone and Mark Meadows, as Lin Wood alledges? I suppose we're about to find out.
Utter Frustration
"Hindsight" is always so crystal clear, naturally. History is buried alive under examples of what clearly should-have-been-done-but-wasn't. Now we can all see that President Trump should have simply ordered Federal Marshalls to seized the voting equipment being used in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Atlanta, wherever voting was being done on the morning of November 4th. He should have done so ignoring the DOJ and FBI, ignoring all legal advice, and do on his own initiative, for as president he constitutionally charged with seeing the laws are enforced. He had every right to do so, just as he should have been told by a careful staff that the various state legislatures had made no provision for such crazy mail-in voting, for they're are the only ones whose ruling mattered. This all would have been over by Friday, November 6th. And of course, the Democrats would have sued Trump in Courts, hither and yon, but by the time it was sorted out, we'd have had all the overwhelming proof of cheating that we needed. Now most of the evidence has been wiped away. As I say, utterly frustrating.

End of the Republican Party, and the Republic, too

The bottom line is, of course – and I am sorry to say this is absolutely true – if the Democrats and their abused handmaidens the RINO Republicans get away with this vote steal, we've all just witnessed the LAST free and fair election in American history. There won't be a re-engagement in 2022 or 2024, my friends, because if they stole it in broad daylight now, they'll not hesitate to do so again, and even more brazenly. (Read what Archbishop Viganò says about what this open fraud will do to the U.S. world reputation.)
  • We ourselves are guilty, for we've really known this was happening, surely all of us should have seen vote fraud, for years. For example that California has going totally Blue, totally Leftist Democrat, was obviously a fraud. The Leftist have run that state into the pavement, turning the "Golden State" into downtown Baltimore or Detroit. We turned a blind eye to it all.
  • The election there in CA in 2018 had outrageous fraud occurring, but the Republicans let it pass. California is now so destroyed economically and morally that people and businesses are fleeing for their lives, and so will everyone in every state that is run by these very bad – and stupid but utterly ruthless – people, people who NEVER seem to get voted out of office.
Bye-bye Repubican Party: and good riddance to "the Stupid Party"
  • Dinesh D'Souza says any Repubican who votes NOT to stop the steal is dead politically:
  • No doubt, but the whole party is dead. The hatred and anger at mainstream Republicans is astounding. Should Donald Trump somehow keep free from being arrested after January 20th – and you can fully expect them to do arrest him – then he'll oganize a new party (and a new Fox News), for this train has been coming down the pack for ages.
  • History: Consider that in 1908, William Howard Taft, the last Republican president of a united party, won the presidential election in a landslide. In 1912, a crazed Theodore Roosevelt split the party formally between the Big-State "Progressives" (called the Bull Moose Party) and the traditional Republicans, thereby allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson in, and he promptly began dismantling the American constitution and national state, creating in 1917 the world's first fascist state (before Mussolini even coined the word!).
  • In 1920, the two Repulican factions were so divided they had to settle on Warren Harding for president. The American people were so sick of the Democrats' "Big State" even then that Harding was elected in a landslide. Conservative American Nationalist Calvin Coolidge was treated as a god. By 1932, Herbert Hoover, more or less a Progressive Repubican, had sunk the party nationally for decades.
  • After two decades of depressing party hack candidates, in 1952, Robert Taft was "Mr. Republican" and perhaps the most conservative big-shot Republican since Calvin Coolidge, yet the "Country-Club" Repubs defeated him and put General Eisenhower, a non-Repbulican, into office, who governed neutrally. Though he said he feared "the Deep State" (which he called the military-industrial complex), he did nothing to return to pre-Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) America. Richard Nixon, Eisenhower's Veep, was a typical modernist-style Progressive Repub, as was his successor Gerald Ford, and as was all of the modern Republican candidates with the two exceptions of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Goldwater, who was a true conservative, wrung the nomination from the Mainstream Republicans in 1964, but Lyndon Johnson saw to it Goldwater got nowhere – and the mainstream Repubicans of that day helped that outcome, too. ("LBJ" was one of the worst presidents in U.S. history, till Obama came along; Derelict Biden will be worse.) And Ronald Reagan, of course, who was a true Republican American nationalist, as Goldwater had been, was elected in a massive landslide in 1984, 49 states! But again, the "RINOs" kept him from running in 1976, and then nearly kept him from getting the nomination in 1980 (they made him put "Country-Club Republican George H.W. Bush in as his Veep).
  • After his election, they certainly kept Reagan from getting too much done. The Bushes and John McCain and that rat Romney were all worse than the standard "Rockefeller Republican" of previous decades in that they were actually anti-American globalists and not just "Country-Club Republicans". The trifecta of the two Bushes, Clinton, and then Obama, nearly completely sold the country down the toilet to China – almost nothing could be "Made in America" after them, and Obama liked to say, "Those (manufacturing jobs) are never coming back."
  • And of course those pathetic Globalist Repubs barely won their elections, or like Bob Dole and McCain and Romney, they lost heavily. 
  • Donald Trump comes along and he's not really a Republican either, in either the usual Country-Club or Globalist sense. Instead, he's an American Nationalist, as Goldwater and Reagan were. So naturally Trump was elected the first time narrowly (because of all the MSM and Elite opposition to him) and massively relected the second, as Reagan was, but THIS TIME the Democrats, AND the RINO Republicans, were just not going to have that. Period. We see how they reacted.
  • Thus, the situation we have today, my friends, wherein the only possible solution is the creation of a new party – unless President Trump is indeed inaugurated this January 20th, by divine miracle and the will of the people, in which case he needs to purge the GOPe/RINOs from the party.
  • For the country's survival, however, that may be too late, because should the Democrats in control of all three branches of government, then they intend, like Woodrow Wilson and FDR, to recreate the American government in the images of Leftism.

Twilight into Darkness
I desperately do not want to despair, my friends, but what we're seeing with this last-minute attempt to save the Trump Presidency does not give me much hope. Though it is actually constitutional, it still appears "Rube Goldberg".
If you have been following the news, you don't need me to opine further, except I will note I was very engraged to see Arkansas Sentator Tom Cotton "go to the Dark Side" and I do not know if Ted Cruz's idea for a Commission to study whether there was a steal (we know absolutely there was voter fraud, as clearly and simply explained: for one plain example), an idea based on what happened regarding the1876 election, is a legitimate attempt to save the nation or whether it is just some Senate "hustle" or "con job" to make it look like the Republican Party needs saving. Either way, it could not even have been suggested by Cruz unless Mitch McConnell approved it. And Mitch McConnell either is a traitor, plain and simple, or an utter fool. To be charitable, probably the latter, I suppose, for "old farts" tend to fight the new war with the last war's methods, or they tend to oppose the rising political forces that come at them in their old age as though these were merely a reboot of the ones they knew in their far-off formative years.
  • That's why Hitler didn't have to have a Communist-style revolution in Germany. Ever wonder why that was? Herr Sticklegruber's son Adolf Hitler (Adolf's father was baptised Alois Sticklegruber, the surname of Alois' unmarried mother – no one knows who Alois' father actually was, but of course the names of demons are legion) just finagled himself being appointed chancellor, and thereafter doing what he damned well intended to do all along.
  • Adolf, like the Democrats or Sulla or Julius Caesar or Napoleon, simply seized what he wanted, pushed and pushed and did not tolerate dissent, even in Hitler's case to destroying the Storm Troopers' leadership, his otherwise loyal supporters.
Democrats are like that in that they are merciless for power. Governor Cuomo of New York, for example, is persecuting Jews. I mean, it is incredible, but there it is. And this fascinating but depressing article below shows how so many American Jews are "turning themselves in" as it were, to be persecuted.

Our Future?
Everyone who has not given themselves up to delusion and madness understands what the election of the derelict ChiCom-slave Joe "Girl Groper" Biden means: open borders for foreigners yet endless lockdowns for actual Americans; nationally mandated mask-wearing coupled with a smackdown on actual free speech, which will be necessarily brutal (they can't allow Trump or other American Nationalists to speak out); and economically the utter destruction of "Mainstreet America" to the elevation of "Wall Street America" via taxes and surrender to China in trade; the loss of U.S. manufacturing (again) and endless transfer of American wealth overseas; and of course absolute surrender to all the idiotic shibboleths of the Left: a good example is the new Pelosi House of Representatives mandating sexual neutral "woke" word usage, banning gender pronouns like "father" and the like. You are NOT allowed to allude to father or mother or whatever.

The loonies are not just ruling over us, but they are mocking us, "mooning" us (ahem) in utter assurance that they've won. Notice how the U.S. House of Reps ended its opening prayer with "Awomen".

As for myself, exiled in a small Central European country, I feel like I'm buried alive. Wearing a mask (on buses, etc.) drives me to thoughts I won't mention, and I refuse to take the damned vaccine. I could care less what happens to me, but I do care what happens to my wife and children, and it won't be good. There's no where for me to go to, certainly not Ireland:

So I'm praying a miracle occurrs this week, but, well, have any of you ever watched Martin Scorsese' movie "Silence"? Or consider, if the Lord God was willing for Christianity to be destroyed in its original heartland, the Near East, over 13 centuries of oppresion as brutal as what Catholics in Japan suffered, why do we think He'll act to save our abortion-adoring nation? We're all about to become Kakure Kirishitan (hidden Christians). Archbishop Viganò knows this.

As for the American Church (and the Church in the West, in general), aside from any occasional good priests you know (like Father James Altman in Wisconsin), and maybe a handful of bishops (like Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas), well, as old Pat Buchanan wrote the other day about the new abortion law in Massachusetts: :
Speaking for the Catholic Action League, executive director C. J. Doyle blamed Catholic religious officials and Catholic organizations for their failure to rebuke lawmakers who routinely vote for abortion rights.

"None of the Catholics who voted for this life-ending measure will suffer a word of rebuke from any priest or prelate in Massachusetts. ... There will be no articles or editorials critical of them in the Catholic press. No one will be denied Holy Communion. No one will be expelled from the Knights of Columbus."

This silence, said Doyle, "equals consent." And given this silence, "no rational person can reasonably be expected to take seriously Catholic opposition to the killing of the unborn in Massachusetts."

As the Catholic Church is in the Bay State, so it will be in Biden's America. Kakure Kirishitan, that's going to be us. It is us now, practicably.

Even of course should the worse come to worse, we must keep fighting. If nothing else, being a martyr clears you of a lot of sins!

An Préachán

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