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Monday, December 28, 2020

Social engineering: we're being brainwashed


I was listening to Fr. Ripperger online in a presentation about "What Is Fear and Confusion". 

This was produced some months ago and is mainly about the Covid situation, how the Powers-That-Be are manipulating us in order to achieve goals that benefit them (and not us!). And of course, one can see it massively going on now about the Election fraud, with the constant mainstream media refrain that there was no election steal. Just as covid was this super deadly disease that we had to crash the world to survive (and before it, Global Warming, a "narrative" that never got off the ground in the U.S.), and now we must just accept George Soros (or whoever they all are, the high-level Globalists and the Chinese Communist Party: CCP, or whoever) as our rulers.

I've made a few notes via transcribing F.r R's comments that might be helpful to you in breaking the shackles of association that they've brainwashed us with. The following is mostly his but I've mixed in a few thoughts to tie it more closely to the Election Steal.

Definition of fear: Fear the perception of a future evil which cannot be overcome.
  1. So it's the emotional response we have at the perception of a future evil that cannot be overcome, i.e., getting Covid, dying, whatever.
  2. When evil is actually present, however (rather than worrying about it coming toward us), then we humans develop sadness (in varying forms).
However, important to note: constantly dealing with fear (as defined above) causes anxiety, which is a specific type of sorrow; St. Thomas Aquinas defines anxiety as a form of sorrow resulting from chronic fear.

So, again, please note: this is based on perception of a future evil that cannot be overcome. If one thinks one can overcome it, however, then one is not afraid of it. It might be annoy you or angry you, but one doesn't have to worry about overcoming it. In this case: People stop having fear in relation to the evil.

Anger: Anger is a perception of injury with a desire for vindication. So people who attack you for not wearing a mask or not accepting The-Derelict-who-used-to-be-Joe Biden, such people have the perception that it is YOU who are causing THEM harm by not wearing a mask, or not accepting the election. (I.e., by not accepting the election, it is YOU, not THEM, who are damaging "democracy".)

False Perceptions
Fr. Ripperger says that the Powers-That-Be are constantly creating false perceptions.
  • St. Thomas Aquinas: People who have fear have the perception that they're going to suffer some kind of harm, harm to either themselves or someone or something they love.
  • "Fear arises from love" on the level of emotions. ("Love" here being defined as an emotional attachment to a person, place, or thing.)
  • Sometimes it rises to the level of the will, but primarily it's on the level of emotions.
Fr. Ripperger asserts that the worse thing is to offend God, but people aren't thinking of that. God, or Truth, or Justice, such are far from their thoughts. They're thinking about themselves, their health, their bodily protection, etc., their self-preservation. The infamous "Be safe" slogan is built upon the old and shallow, selfish adage, "If you haven't got your health, you haven't go anything." So they are definitely playing on this level of attachment to oneself and one's health.

Another elemental point: The emotions are moved by what's in the imagination.

Fr. Ripperger says that one of the signs that we're in a Communist situation is the fact that communists have been known to use brainwashing techniques even over their own citizens. The cogitative power is the one that make asociations, and it's also the one that when it makes a particular assessment as to whether a thing is good or bad, that is what moves the emotions. To manipulate this, the Powers-That-Be:
  • Bring a pre-packaged association to the senses, so you automatically think a certain way. In Covid, they show us all these different scenarios – like hospitals being overrun (when they're not; the overrun hopsitals were in Italy, or another example was video images from China showing people collapsing in the streets, something that never happened anywhere else) – they prepackage the association so that people's cogitative power naturally sees them together and people associate them together; i.e.: Covid = overcrowded hospitals, for example.
  • And they do this over and over and over.
  • This is how they brainwash people.
  • Over a period of time, the cogitative power becomes so habituated to these prepackeged associations that every time people see the trigering image or words, they will have an automatic emotional response that the Powers-That-Be desire them to have.
  • This manipulation is called "conditioning".
  • And of course they can reverse this so that when people have an automatic association between things (i.e., traditional morality teaching that X is bad, for example), they can teach you to disassociate these over long periods of time to the point where an individual no longer associates X with evil (what the media has been doing for homosexuality, divorce, "intergenerational" attraction and intimacy, etc., so therefore they provide their prepackaged associations over the course of time in order get people's thinking patterns into the specific way the Powers-That-Be want.
  • This, Fr. Ripperger says, is brainwashing.
  • It's what's going on in television, usually via ads to sell you something, and it probably wasn't traditionally intentional, i.e., it was a sales method that worked. But now it is definitely being use for nefarious purposes.
N.B. In relation to that last bullet point: Fr. Ripperger points out that training people to associate X with Y is actually one way humans learn. Teaching kids traditional morality, for example, utilized this innate faculty of the human mind. So it is not surprising that the Bad Guys do it in reverse!

Countering all this
If you want to resist all this, first take control – and responsibility – for your mind. (As always, an important idea is to set time each day should be for serious, concentrated prayer and contemplation of God and Religious Truth, to begin with. "The World" is too much with us, late and soon, as a poet said.) Second, regarding this specific case addressed in this essay, do so by addressing the fear. To address the fear, the first thing you have to do is get the images used to create it out of your mind.
  1. Eject the pre-packaging you are being inudated with, so that the cogitative power learns to no longer link the associations they give you together.
  2. Exercise your will and use your REASON to look at it and change the image they're showing you.
  3. "They're showing me this, but I also know that actually something else happened, so I know they're not giving me the full truth." Two examples:
  • "They show me overcrowded hospitals, but I know that occurred in Italy with its klunky National Health service, and it has not occurred in countries with saner medical systems," or...
  • "They're telling me to accept Joe Biden but I know he won only because six large urban areas produced ridiculously absurd voting results for him, and only after stopping, then restarting, their vote counts when they knew how many votes they had to conjure up."
N.B. Fr. Ripperger advises that changing your mental images will allow you to emotionally relate to things properly.   

So, bottom line:
Our would-be Herren Volk are specifically trying to engender certain kinds of emotions, and indeed what they done is they've trained people to follow their emotions, the reason being people will then have the specific emotional response the Powers-That-Be desire. So they give us the pre-packed image and then we will have the specific emotional response because 99.9 percent of people make their choices and act thereon based upon their emotions. Knowing this, the the Bad Guys know they can manipulate people.

It's called "social engineering".

We need to repudiate it.

An Préachán

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