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Monday, June 8, 2020

The Ghost of George Floyd about to be retired? Riots losing steam? Exploitation not what it used to be?


I know you're all tired of the Racism Riots and the endless MSM (Left and Right) chatter about it endlessly, but I'll take this opportunity to make a last observation or two. This most recent avatar of the long-running Clash of the Races in the U.S. is fizzling out fast.

First, what is/was it, exactly? A protest against "police brutality"?

For those, such as my European friends (Antifa and BLM riots are occurring now in some European cities), stats from various sources over the past decade or so show that there's no real case to be made that U.S. Blacks are special targets of U.S. police (many of whom are Black). Occasionally, of course, it happens, as with George Floyd. But as a predicate for mass riots and burning and looting, no, it is insane to try to justify all that by the small number of such actual cases. See the Attorney General Bill Barr in a hostile interview swat down every attempt to make this sort of case:

Even more importantly, all these police forces and cities that have George Floyd-type killings are run by Democrats. For example, Democrats have run Minneapolis for 40 years or so, non-stop. Same is true of Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, you name it. It must be understood that in great part, the majors and city councils of these places are allowing all this insanity in order to cover up their own incredible malfeasance, their incompetence, and their using of the Blacks as stooges to further their aims. Even more incredibly, they have the gall to blame the Republicans for these problems! Republicans, shut out of these cities, have be definition nothing to do with the Democrats' lousy government.

Second, is racism inherent in U.S. society? The most basic "racism" in the U.S. is Affirmative Action (today and for some decades past, at least, whatever its use was in the '60s; Griff can explain earlier time) for it implicitly (and, really, explicitly) enshrines into law that African-Americans are incapable of ever competing in society their own and need all kinds of help and preferences given to them, apparently in perpetuity. Anyone – ANYONE – who has looked for work in the U.S. since probably the '80s or even before (Lyndon Johnson legalized this racism in the '60s) has been aware that if one is white, male, and non-homosexual, one has a Hell of a time getting a job. Blacks and women, have the advantage in getting jobs.

As long as that full, formally institutionalized racism that is Affirmative Action structurally built into the U.S. legal and business architecture, we'll never get ride of actual racism. White perpetually resent the quotas, Blacks can never know if they get a job on their merits or the color of their skin. An excellent article on this little-discussed (because it is taboo) subject, is this:

Finally, were the George Floyd riots an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government?

Sheesh, if so, I could have organized a putsch / coup d'état better than what's happened this past week – probably have, several times! (If I think about it.:) I was expecting the "Masses" to charge the WH Saturday, but nope. I was expecting a Storming of the Winter Palace or a redo of the Pairisan mob carrying Louis XVI from Versailles to Paris in 1789.

But no.

And then yesterday, the Anifa-George Soros crew were going to organize a million man march on D.C. but...

Yesterday the new black panderers organized a million Antifa march with the Black Lives Matter crowd in Washington DC.  Unfortunately, they fell approximately 990,000 people short of the million person goal; only about 10,000 marchers present.

I guess the Whitey Antifa kids found they just couldn't get their feral inner-city mobs to "get with the program" beyond looting stores.

And maybe Papa Bergoglio can wash the feet of Muslims in Rome and get kudos from the MSM, but Whitey doin' it down in the 'hood, well, it just doesn't impress anyone:

Late today I see headlines where Democrats in Congress have "taken the knee" to George Floyd, using the U.S. Capitol as a stage for their burlesque. Idiots. In contrast, a Georgia state trooper who happens to be Black said today, "I only kneel for God." (The idea of any American kneeling or bowing – remember Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia – is reprehensible.)

So, well, well. I guess when you breed a couple of generations "without chests" as C.S. Lewis called them, then even the revolutionaries are without chests, too, right?

Seriously, something is deflating the whole shebang. "Sundance" discusses it at some length at the above conservativetreehouse link. There definitely was a plan involving Joe Biden at the funeral in Houston, where Biden was to meet with Obama and "W", the second Bush president (I've lost all respect for that one, every smidgen). And James Clyburn, the South Carolina Congressman (6th district, from 1993 – he's a great argument for term limits), is the "ringmaster" for Biden and the Democrat leadership this show. He's the one who put Biden in the Dem nomination, and is the Biden campaign's capo. But whatever. For "inside baseball" on this circus, checkout the conservativetreehouse. I know that site often seems like it is too much into the tea leaves, but they've been right far more often since Trump's election than otherwise.

For instance, few of you know about the BLM (Black Lives Matter) cohort being in essence a Muslim-American front org., while most of the traditional U.S. Black Civil Rights/Oppression crowd are "AME", i.e. originally founded in and still (more or less, to some degree) encompassing Black Christian churches. The two disparate groups have joined up – the newer, more radical, Islamic BLM with the AME – but they turn off the Latino elements of "the oppressed", not to mention any Black man or woman who refuses to live down on the dystopia-like "Asphalt Plantation" inner cities (which is pretty much burned out dystopia, now). It's the BLM that is supporting the "Defund the Police" meme because they want to use Muslim Sharia law enforcers, and the AME is not on for that ride. Even the more classic types of "Liberal-Left" Whites are scared of that.

As Sundace writes: "This type of political calculation based on identity politics always carries a risk. We could be seeing – once again – the outcome of what happens when political ideology intersects with a very divided assembly of special interests."

And of course, I hasten to add, that none of the above affects the ongoing Deep State effort to remove Trump from office. That three-year-long puts ch seems to be always with us, like STDs, mosquito, and human folly.

An Préachán

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