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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Robert Mueller and the Rule of the Unrepresentative, Vacuous, and Narcissistic

It looks like Mueller is seriously embarrassing himself at the Congressional hearing.
The Democrats staged a last-minute play in which Robert Mueller has an assistant at the hearings today. President Trump called it accurately.  
See also a "Sundance" article on it at The Conservative Treehouse.:
An excerpt:

An P again:
So Mueller shows he indeed has very little understanding of what took place. Pretty shocking? Nope, only that the Democrats were stupid enough to ask for this.

Amici, the following is a depressing meditation on U.S. politicians.

The Democratic party is in decomposition. It fully embraced, over a decade or less after 1974, abortion. It took a while but eventually no Democrat could run as a Pro-Lifer. Supporting evil in any form leads to moral blindness  if it isn't already a product of evil. Thereafter, the party's been room temperature since 1994  the election of 1992 was won by a "New Democrat" outsider, remember, one from the "New South" who was going to turn around an already then unpopular Democrat party. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a rapist ogre who on his best day was a narcissistic imbecile. He let his Lesbian wife govern and she governed from the Left (such as it was in those days) and the result so turned off the nation that the Republicans promptly took Congress in the 1994 "off-year" election. (Then the Republican "GOPe" Bourbons ran a hopeless candidate, Bob Dole, in 1996, and OF COURSE lost.)

The destruction of the Democrats is in part the result of a long Left/Communist take-over attempt of the Democrat Party, dating back to FDR's day: that feline man deep-sixed Al Smith from the 1932 election and from the party inner-circles. Smith, the party's 1928 presidential candidate and a strong Catholic, was the last relatively honest and certainly full-"American" (man-of-the-people) to run for president on a Democrat ticket. Smith's origins were absolutely blue-collar ethnic New Yorker. Aside from the "accidental president, Harry Truman, (and the feckless Jimmuh Carter), Smith was the last such  all the other Dem presidents were "connected" and usually Ivy League; Bill Clinton, the rapist, was a Rhodes Scholar. They're elites, Bourbons, Mandarins.

Today, after 25 years of mucking through the administrations of Ivy-Leaguers Bush 2.0 and Clinton-Toned-Brown, both Globalists without too much to choose between them, the current, similarly educated Democrat candidates are utter morons  or, if one or two isn't absolutely stupid, he/she(it?) is the worse kind of political hack. They're all the political version of sexbots: they all say and do and "think" the same thing  because they follow their programming  which is solely predicated on getting power, no "vision thing" (Bush 1.0) required; as with sexbots, our only choice among them is in which color or "gender" we want them to be. It's insane. They're non-entities. Non-beings, actually. They're C.S. Lewis' "chestless men".

But then, to be scathingly honest, with the exception of Trump and before him Reagan, and before Reagan the failed Barry Goldwater campaign, and before those three Calvin Coolidge and Theodore Roosevelt (the latter two both also "accidental" presidents themselves  in fact, all five of these men ran against the Republican elites of their day: think of that; the best presidents of the Republican Party in the last 100 years were outsiders!), the Republicans on the presidential level have produced NOTHING but empty-shirt pol(itical)bots, too  though mostly not Ivy-Leaguer: Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Thomas E. Dewey ("the little man on the wedding cake:), Dick Nixon, Gerry Ford, Bob Dole, McCain, the Bushes (actual Ivy Leaguers): come on! (Eisenhower, of course, was an apolitical general.)

Bottom line: The political system is failing, drowned in it upper echelons by ciphers and hacks, with a massive number of government mandarins, federal and state (the higher level of the government's bureaucrats and the huge number of government contract workers) calling the shots through their union power and political pull; such "mandarins" (the definition of being governed by bureaucrats) naturally vote to keep things the way they are; i.e., unrepresentative, vacuous, and narcissistic.

With the help of such a system, were a Democrat to win in 2020, he/she/it would have to open the borders (they've run on this, after all) and stop the economic growth Trump has generated (they've run on that, too)  and of course besides flooding the country cretinous illegals from Central America, they'd flood it with infanticide, transsexual loons who are shoving women out of sports and bathrooms, and generally imitate Emperor Julian in trying to drive Christianity back into the politically incorrect catacombs. They've run on all of this.

Were such to win, they'd precipitate a true Civil War.

It's that bad, amici.

An Préachán

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