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Saturday, July 6, 2019

Amazon bans books by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi

Gay Inc. (aka Gay Mafia, Gaystapo, St. Gallen Mafia, etc.) can't have its "narrative" challenged, so one gay activist worked tirelessly to get an author (Nicolosi) banned from Amazon, until he succeeded, as the article linked to below details.

"The Left" is always doing this, of course -- shutting down speech (especially noticeable in Academia and Entertainment) and limiting, prohibiting, restricting, and of course damning, any "counter-narrative" that runs against their party line. This article has an interesting take on The Left's emotional state: 
An excerpt:
Because, in the progressive version of reality, there can be no final victory. Identity politics, like its cousin self-pity, consumes all except itself. They don’t want to win. To finally cauterize their obsession would stanch the supply that courses their veins.

I think there are plenty of them who want to win, I mean the demagogues pushing all this, and they follow their beliefs with a Jihadist fervor. They've gone far in taking over Academia and the Arts. How far can they really get, though?

However it works out, it's a constant battle, really, and the Gays are just modelling their efforts on the general Left, how the Socialists do business. Although Thomas Jefferson never said or wrote that "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance," it is a Truism.

I'm not a fan of Jefferson's, but I looked this up and had he said it, I was going to credit him with it. I found out that an Irishman came up with it, in 1790. “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.” This was by John Philpot Curran, not actually a Curran but a descendant of Cromwellian soldiers in Ireland. However, this Curran was a Henry Grattan-type Irish politician, defended many of the 1798 rebels in court, and opposed the Union with Great Britain in 1800. Of course, the "Deep State" of his day won out in the end. Same thing happened in 1707: the Scottish people didn't want to lose their Parliament, and there were riots in Edinburgh. The "Deep State" won out there, too. "Consent of the governed" has never been a Deep State concern. Europe seems to be the Galactic Center of the Deep State, except for China, which is its universe center.

Perhaps the most famous U.S. use of the Eternal Vigilance line was by the American Abolitionist and liberal (classical liberal) activist Wendell Phillips on January 28, 1852. Speaking to members of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Phillips said:

    “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few. The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each day or it is rotten. The living sap of today outgrows the dead rind of yesterday. The hand entrusted with power becomes, either from human depravity or esprit de corps, the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continued oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot; only by unintermitted agitation can a people be sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity.”

Wow, isn't that apropos of today? Truly, there is nothing new under the sun. And just as then the Democrat Party fought to keep their slaves and got their 3/5s clause in the Constitution (Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3)  to give them a larger representation in Congress (and more Electoral votes!) than they deserved, so today the Democrat Party fights to keep their Blacks down on the Asphalt Plantation, and now bring in a huge "Lumpenproletariat" underclass of illegals to do their bidding. 

So of course they have to fight to get these illegals in the Census! It's the exact same ploy as with the 3/5s clause.

Nothing ever changes. Much.

Here's the article about the Amazon book banning, and an excerpt:

In a very disturbing move, Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed “the father of conversion therapy.” In other words, for claiming that sexual orientation is not innate and immutable, and for claiming that change is possible, Dr. Nicolosi’s books must be banned.
This leads to the logical question: Will Amazon ban the Bible next? There is no hyperbole here.
After all, it is the Bible that condemns same-sex relationships and the Bible that speaks of those who once practiced homosexuality but do so no more (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). These people, today, would be known as “ex-gays.” And it was Dr. Nicolosi’s life work to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions.
Why, then, should Amazon ban his books but continue to sell the Bible, which provides the theological underpinnings for Dr. Nicolosi’s scientific work?

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