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Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Crisis of Masculinity in the church

So much of what is going on is a result of this culture's crisis of masculinity. The Church seems to have few masculine men in leadership positions. Bishop Schneider is one such. American Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, is another. But very few of our shepherds are men in the traditional sense.

What all this blather about "diversity of religions" being "the will of God" is septic tank overflow, sure, but it is feministic septic tank overflow. The true feminine spirit is reconciling, tries to defuse tense situations and comforts everybody; being "motherly" -- but that is native to it. Yet that is not something men should be trying to imitate, and certainly not emulate. A man's man would stand up to Cuomo, for example, or have that utter reprobate McCarrick literally thrown out on his ear, into the gutter where he belongs. (Well, that bum is dangerous and should be locked up with the key thrown away.)

But instead we get prelates, from Our Caudillo on down, who act the role of an emasculated, feminized man imitating what he thinks women would do. Hence we get Francis' endless slop about "Mercy" instead of clear, no-nonsense teaching and discipline regarding every mortal sin and yet, so oddly, Bergoglio is petty and vindictive, like a "bad girl" in a snooty Girls' School ragging on a student who doesn't fit into her clique. A sort of "Lady of the Flies" instead of "Lord of the Flies." And it is in that sense, the Vat2 word "pastoral" is code for doing nothing to a Cuomo or a McCarrick -- or for that matter, to a pope.

It's disgusting, but it is something found across the culture.

An Préachán

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