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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Donald Trump's Freedom Speech in Miami, and Black, Red, and Green Socialism

Love him or hate him, Trump’s speech in Miami about Venezuela was very well done. You can find it in full here

Trump was introduced by a woman who grew up in Communism (his wife, Melania) and
he introduced the mother of a Venezuelan murdered by the Maduro regime and also a mayor who's grandfather fled Socialism, and whose father fled it to, and now the mayor has had to flee it. Very well done, indeed. And Trump strongly asserted that the U.S. will never become a Socialist nation, to the cheers of the crowd.

It will never cease to amaze me how so many people can be so enamored of an economic system that just doesn't work. That never has worked. And no, Scandinavia is not Socialist; it is very capitalist economically, and wealthy enough because of its homogeneous dour, hard-working native population to afford extensive welfare states. (And it is having trouble now after importing for many Muslims.) Einstein was supposed to have said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, yet expect different results. Whether he said it or not, it is a real question of why so many people, especially educated ones such as the products of the American academies, can be so in favor of something that can only be kept in power by the gun.

Yes, the American youth have been educated by Communists on a "Long March" through the U.S. educational institutions. But what motivates the Long Marchers?

Socialism of course has been tried in different forms, like a demonic Vaudeville act that keeps changing costume but otherwise has the same unfunny, murderous skit. We've had Black or National Socialism (one-time Communist Mussolini invented this version, Hitler murdered tens of millions with it), Red or Class Socialism (a.k.a. Communism, which killed over 100 million people in the 20th century) and now Green or Environmental Socialism. Global Warming (Or now "Climate Change") is only the most recent effort to take a supposedly imminent natural catastrophe as the reason, the trigger, for imposing Socialism – we've had over-population and acid rain and also a new ice age-themed version of this, all since the Silly Sixties; but these were only essays in the craft: now has it come close to actually being imposed.

On and on it goes, like a Vaudeville act that won't get off the stage, but keeps machine gunning the audience.

There's a branch of metaphysics called First Philosophy. It details principles, indeed, the First Principles necessary for rational thought. There are Real Principles (pertaining to being itself, the principle from which being proceeds; Real Principles include beginning, foundation, origin, location, condition, cause of any type, and elements of composition), and Logical Principles (a principle of knowledge, a truth from which other truths proceed). As Fr Chad Ripperger writes, "A logical principle is one that governs how we come to know a thing and logical principals are said to be built into the very structure of our intellect. By virtue of the fact they are built into our intellect by nature they are said to be connatural...(belonging) to a nature as it exists". And "It is connatural to the human intellect to perform its operations according to first principles, e.g. it is contrary to the nature of the (human) intellect to violate the principle of non-contradiction."

These First Principles are innate to the human mind, and they are self-evident, such as the principles of non-contradiction (a thing cannot both be and not be at the same time in the same respect or relation". They come "naturally" to us, as human beings, these first principles. Decartes famously said, "I think, therefore I am," but of course René had it backwards: because it is natural to the human mind to think, and because René was a human, therefore he should have written, "I am, therefore I think."

So, one can "mess up" even the most basic thinking, the most basic ways of knowing. Fr Ripperger points out that some humans don't have all this fully developed because they're children and of course still developing, or also the mentally ill or mentally handicapped in some manner. However, there's a third category of human that can't grasp these innate principles. Fr R writes, "Another impediment is the foolishness of the person, i.e. as Aristotle observes, it pertains to the fool to deny what is self-evident; or we may say a person who denies self-evident principles is irrational." An example would be David Hume, Fr R writes "For example, Hume in his critique of causality not only denies the principle of causality which is self-evident, but he must also deny the principle of sufficient reason and non-contradiction as a result of his rejection of the principle of causality."

(My favorite modern philosopher, Edward Feser, a superb Scholastic, has a great time pummeling the "plump Scotsman" David Hume, the doyen of the Enlightenment and a complete idiot.)

I think there can be no doubt that the literal "foolishness" of Hume (and Kant, who basically spent a lifetime arguing against Hume, but within Hume's demented intellectual framework) laid the foundation for the "foolishness" of the Moderns. It is obvious, as a matter of self-evident first principles, that a man cannot marry a man or change his sex via hormones and plastic surgery. And it is certainly self-evident, after all the blood and horror and tragedy of the 20th century, that Socialism, whether Black, Red, or Green, is a disaster.

Yet people of a certain type keep pushing for it. G. K. Chesterton wrote somewhere that a vice is bad enough, but no vice is as dangerous as a virtue gone bad. All Socialism is, on one level, is Christian Charity gone insane: "You will be charitable or you will be shot!" I'm sure that virtue gone rogue figures into it, at least in many confused individuals.

But maybe, in the end, and as we can see in different ways unique to each color of Socialism, it is just really a thanatos, a death wish. The Nazis were going to ultimately not just kill Jews and Gypsies, but the French were to be liquidated, and everyone else, eventually, and finally, no doubt, it was envisioned the Germans would commit national suicide (in actually, in very real way they did; look at how many Germans Hitler killed in general, or through his insanity made them toxic, which got them expelled from so much of Europe where they had live and contributed to for centuries; and finally, left them with such guilt that they seem to be not reproducing). Of course Red Socialism kills everyone in the end too, via starvation. The Ukraine in the Stalin times or Venezuela today. And there's absolutely no doubt that Green Socialism would be happiest if the human race just went out of existence. How often have you heard or read of someone saying the planet would be better off if humans went extinct?

A certain type of human will indeed eventually go extinct. The type that cannot grasp the self-evident.

An Préachán

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