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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Reflections on Modernism in the Church, Cardinal Wuerl, the March for Life

It is said Cardinal Wuerl will be speaking at the upcoming March for Life.

He should be run outta town. 

If any of the these defenders (or enablers or fellow-travellers) of the "GayChurch" can be said to "Believe" at all, they believe in the Modernist conception of God, and the Modernist conception of God is based on Evolution. 

Yes, indeed. The behind-the-scenes core idea of Modernism is that everything evolves. Everything evolves -- including God. So they smugly think their understanding of God is far higher and more "evolved" than our own.

An article at OnePeterFive quoted a report that 'Wuerl has consistently denied knowing about McCarrick’s activities, expressing “shock, confusion, anger and frustration” about the allegations against his predecessor.'
He was shocked, shocked to find gambling going on in this establishment. Of course, Captain Louis Renault had more class. AND he preferred the ladies. (Well, not a question of "prefer" -- Cap'n Louie was a heterosexual. Full stop.)
Look, this upcoming March for Life might turn out to be a new Pilgrimage of Grace, a "March for Life" in another sense -- a march for the life of Holy Church. It's past time. And remember: these people are Modernists, and the essence of that essentially Protestant thing -- Modernism is essentially Protestant, hence our modern Protestantized liturgy -- is Evolution. Modernism came into being in Germany during the time Charles Darwin's teaching was becoming known after the publican of D's Origin of Species (ironically, D didn't believe in species!).
Modernists believe our understanding of the Bible evolves and our morality evolves, all because our understanding of God evolves -- AND they believe God Himself evolves.(Think of the Modernist idea that Jesus didn't know who He was as a Child, or that early Christian "faith communities" didn't believe Joshua the Nazarene was God, etc.) Now, with that in mind, reflect on the attitude of these cats, from Wuerl to Francis and on beyond: at the very least, at their very best, exercising all they can of whatever charity they can muster up from their muddy souls, they hold the laity in a sort of avuncular amusement: we laity are just children who don't understand. Notice how smug they are? The smugness of someone tolerating the ignorant and childish. And this is at their very best!
Once you "get" Modernism/Progressivism's inner clockwork, then you comprehend where they're coming from. And it ain't Historical Christianity.
Wuerl and so many of his ilk are so used to -- or have it so bred into their psychology -- the laity being just lumps to be pushed around on the Modernist-Progressive pottery wheel as they see fit, and at whatever speed they feel like pushing it. Bergoglio is the same. Making that "Tucho" Fernandez a bishop! C'mon.
And that was the whole driving force of Vatican II. We are "sheeple" to them.
Something like OnePeterFive -- founded by a layman, etc. -- is nothing to them. And of course any bishop who opposes them will find himself bumping like an old India-rubber ball down a mountainside so fast he'll never even feel the boot hit his backside.
A blogger at OnePeterFive wrote: 
"We are ' sheeple' to them because the vast majority of laity have been lulled to sleep over many generations."
I answered: 
Well, not lulled so much as ordered. Keep in mind that on one hand, the Church has always in some degree been the preserve of the educated clerics. Average folks couldn't read for 100s of years because paper wasn't invented, and teaching reading and writing had fallen out of use. 
(Important to note: the Ancient Roman world's "paper" was papyrus from Egypt -- hence the name "paper" -- but the Muslims cut off all Mediterranean trade of that commodity after their conquests -- except for slaves, they traded in nothing; Islam is basically a slavers' religion. So without a fresh supply of "paper", all the books in Western Europe disintegrated in 100 years time, or by about 800 or so. Only vellum, calf skin, could be used. It could endure the Western climate.)

After the horrors of the French Revolution (the Vendée, etc.) the "Vatican I Church "laid down the law" and became a sort of Festung Katholika, a Fortress Catholicism. The laity were told to "pray, pay, and obey". And it was the Vatican I laity that got used and abused by the Reformation II, the Reformers of Vatican II. These "Reformers" mercilessly and callously preyed on up to 100 years of "pray, pay, and obey" training to force us laity to bah-bah our way to the shearing pens, where we they sheared us down to the dermis and even subcutaneous fat.

But today the "bloom is off that ruse".

An Préachán

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