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Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Modernist Church in Crisis and the Triumph of the Trads?

Things will be happening fast now. 

There's no going back. 

Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith says much the same at the U.K. Catholic Herald.

John O'Sullivan has some good comments in this National Review column. But it seems a bit uneven. Here's an interesting excerpt about that utter, complete, total, unspeakable idiot whom Bergoglio appointed to the Archbishopric of Chicago, Blaise Cupich:
Even after all that’s happened, some bishops don’t seem to grasp such simple points. Archbishop Blaise Cupich of Chicago sounded like a SNL parody of a secular humanitarian politician when he said: “The pope has a bigger agenda. He’s got to get on with other things, of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the church. We’re not going to go down a rabbit hole on this.” This is an unbelievably trivial response to the Church’s moral crisis. Suppose that Viganò’s charges are false, where is the righteous anger of those unjustly accused that should animate Cupich’s words?

Words fail. But it is classic Cupich, (for those who know of the fool, this is standard fare). Cupich is an example of the intellects Bergoglio appoints to the Cardinalate. It's obscene.

So, Bergoglio and Company. 
Yep, they'll dig in, Bergoglio and Company, but it won't work, not this time. The top guy is being accused and his days are numbered. And the longer he tries to stay, the worse Bergi makes the whole mess, and the less power his cronies he's inserted into the Cardinal College will have at the inevitable next papal election.

But what I think is a "turning-the-corner" moment in all this involves some of the following points:

  • These idiots, McCarrick, Wuerl, etc.,) are prosecutable for crimes (maybe Francis, too): McCarrick for "doing it" and Wuerl & Co. for hiding it. While the statue of limitations probably comes into play for most of their actions, some may still be prosecutable, and most certainly, DAs across the U.S, can do what the Pennsylvanians did. We can only pray they do.
  • As a part of this, I wrote a while ago, and so many others have said, the Church looks like a criminal syndicate. RICO charges can be brought into play. AND on top of that, pressure will mount to remove the Church from the Federal gov. handouts (handouts to help the "undocumented aliens" /sarc). If that happens, the Church is automatically bankrupt. Hell's bells, the gays and their "behavior" have essentially bankrupted the Church NOW! Much more of this and, well. We all know the denouement.
  • Secondly, the MainStream Press loathes the Catholic Church (the real one, much maligned even by "Catholic" bishops! Look how Bishop Campbell in Columbus, Ohio, treats the Trads!) and can't wait to "reveal all" in their newscasts about all this abominable behavior. That's just going to devastate the Vat2 queer hierarchy. What parent, what normal people in general, are going to want to be a part of something so vile? As Andrew Klavan wrote in a column not too long ago, this is a Homosexual scandal as much as a Church scandal. Homosexuals, given the chance, do today what they did in Ancient Greece and the modern Arab Muslim world. (Once I quoted that bit about Malaka from my book Eros, Sexuality in Ancient Greece, I read around in it a bit and wow, Greek homosexuals did the same sort garbage modern ones do. And were just as detested as they are today, too -- once the PC "emperor's new clothes" bit is removed. Should one think about it a moment, if priests, for God's sake, who take vows of chastity and are supposed to help people and most of all SERVE GOD, can't keep their paws off of boys, who possibly expects everyday homosexuals to do so? It is (dare I put it this way?) "baked in the cake" of what Homosexuality is. (The male version, of course; Lesbians operate in a different sort of psychological matrix.)
  • Yet another aspect to this: for decades, throughout the time of the Vat2 Church, in fact, the gays have essentially run the Church. Paul 6 was widely thought to be a homosexual and even if he weren't, he was very effeminate (emotionally unstable, cried a lot, would suddenly get stubborn and "close up" and all sorts of stuff, a parody, really, of the feminine, actually). Even if some of the Modernists running the Church for the past 60 yeas were not homosexual, they were in a world increasingly dominated by queers, and if one wanted to stay in power, or rise in power, one at least kept the Omerta, the Mafia-style silence. They were all compromised, in other words. That was the case of old Franny Spellman, cardinal archbishop of New York from 1939 to 1967. He must have been queer back in the '20s and '30s. He opposed the Vat2 changes but went along with them because he was so blackmailable. (And, as is the case with homosexuals, he probably saw to it that queers were ordained as priests. For example, it was Franny who ordained the loathsome McCarrick to the priesthood in 1958. Cardinal Terence Cooke kept McCarrick as his secretary from 1971 to 1977; a straight man can tell if a guy is queer under such long association -- and they worked closely together for six years, note. Assuming Cooke wasn't gay, why did he keep a boy buggerer so close to him? Where was Cooke's "spiritual discernment? Hmmm? McCarrick was accused at that time, in fact, of boy buggering -- Cooke had to know. But he kept the butt grabber on. And that is the sort of thing now becoming simply untenable.
  • When I say the Lavender Mafia ran the Church, I don't mean JP2, who, more or less -- and in terms of actually being in charge of things -- was a dupe, a saintly dupe, but still a dupe, or especially B16, who was smarter than JP2 and a relatively moderate Modernist, and who was actually making things better in many ways, and removing some of these parasites, hence his deposition from power. But aside from these top guys, homosexuals were in the driver seat (one might say, they went uncharacteristically from "bottoms" to being on "top", ahem), yet now they are victims of "victory disease" as the Japs called it in WWII. They've won too easily, duping the laity, living off the high octane fuel of the "glory days" of the U.S. Immigrant Church, the one that built all the beautiful churches and the many schools and hospitals, and all along mistreating the laity with all the Vat2 changes. (As the Trad saying has it, "Christ said, "Feed my sheep, not experiment on my rats",) They're so in control they got careless and elected that disaster, Bergoglio, who seems to have surrounded himself gladly with these perverts. And now with Bergoglio caught red-handed in trying to cover up crimes and criminals, all Hell is going to break loose.

So bad are things now that the vast majority of "sheeple" are going to not only notice it, but get their faces rubbed in it. And I mean legally, too. The U.S. isn't Chile, after all, and though our criminal justice system isn't perfect (See this amazing story about terrorists in New Mexico) it is still a force to be reckoned with, and as I noted to begin with, the MSM is simply salivating with glee over the Vat2 Church's wormy carcass.

And of course all this slams the Progressive Catholics. Full body slam. Full body slam on concrete pavement and then jumping up and down on its stomach. Yet the Trad Catholics will be mostly unscathed.

That's not because there aren't bad Trad priests and so on but they're much rarer than what's found in the Progressive and the Mainstream Churches, on many orders of magnitude, and also Traditional Catholicism now looks so alien to both Catholic and non-Catholics alike, that it is sort of like a branch of Orthodoxy. Something from Mars. Something not akin.

And that's the irony and the blessing: this is a tremendous benefit to us Trads! We're "not Catholics" in a sense. Why? "Catholicism" is the Vat2 Gay Church. Traditional Catholics? We're just too odd, alien, antique, weird. So we won't be "lumped together" with the Progressives and the Mainstreamers in the coming conflagration. For years, I've been trying  to drag people I know to a Trad Mass (most of which are one of the High Mass forms) and some of them like these Masses, and some don't. One said to me recently, after such a visit, "I don't want to worship in a Museum!" But one and all of them will say, at some point: "That is pretty different." Or "That would take a lot of getting used to."

And that's a good thing! A blessing! Lo and behold, as the mainstream Church collapses under the weight of its own sins and the bombardment of outrage from both offended mainsteam Catholics (Magisterium Catholics, they're called) and the secular world, we're simply not involved. (Relatively speaking.)

When the smoke of the battle clears, there'll be a ruined mainstream/Progressive Church, which will probably go into "full Communion" with the Anglicans  and the Lutherans, as all three die off, unmourned and even unnoticed, and a ruined Magisterium/mainstream Church with nowhere to go, leaderless (except for the occasional exception like Archbishop Chaput) and then us, the Traditionalists, untouched (relatively untouched) in our safe enclaves of the SSPX, or the FSSP, or the ICKSP, and in nooks and corners here and there, such as independent sections of some of the religious orders, for example Silverstream in Ireland and Clear Creek in the U.S.

That's a good thing. And it is a God-thing. It has a "God-thing" feel to it. The Vat2 Church essentially exiled us to Babylon, where we sat by the waters of the Euphrates and waited while the Assyrians and the Babylonians (MSM and DAs) wiped out the main Church. Soon, one prays, the long sieges will finally be over and the Persian Empire of Cyrus the Great (to keep the metaphor going), can restore us to the Temple. And wow, looks like we'll have to rebuild it, all over again.

Such, at least, is my hope for a "silver lining".

An Préachán

1 comment:

  1. "...a ruined mainstream/Progressive Church, which will probably go into "full Communion" with the Anglicans and the Lutherans.."
    This always was the goal of Bergoglio and the German bishops Krazy Kasper and Bling Marx.
