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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"34 jihadist attacks in 13 countries over just six days this past week (Oct. 21-27), resulting in 444 killed and 114 injured..."

Considering this recent Muslim terrorist attack in New York City...

Alas, the news media doesn't report to you how bad things are with the Muslims. See the title quote and find it also further below. 
  • A point I keep making is that you can't "reform" Islam without getting rid of Muhammad, who is the original murder-rapist extraordinaire of the religion, and the paragon of all virtues for Muslims. 
  • It would be like taking Buddha out of Buddhism or Christ out of Christianity. Too many Muslims know too much about Muhammad (of course, in reality, he either didn't exist or was so different from the legend as to be unrecognizable) to ever believe some milquetoast version of it. 
  • They won't allow it. An attempt to do that will just make 'em angrier than they already are.

Only three options exist; convert them to a living Faith; i.e., Christianity, isolate them in some unknown manner, wall them off from the rest of the world. Or liquidate them. 
  • All three seem either unthinkable or impossible. 
  • The latter might well occur, however, if these depredations continue. One day, the Muslim radicals might go too far. After all, according to Muslim Eschatology, they themselves must bring on the end times. This is a basic goal of ISIS, for example. Russia and China have the ability to turn vast areas of the Earth to glass, and if one nuked the Mideast, destroying Mecca, etc., and the heartland of the religion, the religion probably wouldn't survive. 

The other remotely possible option is conversion, but the West, at least (and China, etc.) have nothing to convert anyone to except metaphysical materialism, and that is the worst, soul-killing religion ever conceived (well, maybe Islam could give it a run for its money). 
  • The Chinese leadership is forcefully embracing the stupidest metaphysical materialist "religion" of all, Marxism, and is so much of the Western Intellectual Elites. 
  • And the irony is, both Communism and Islam insist they, themselves, decide was basic morality is, what "Truth" is. Read the Communist manifesto, i.e.,
"Undoubtedly," it will be said, "religious, moral, philosophical
and juridical ideas have been modified in the course of
historical development.  But religion, morality philosophy,
political science, and law, constantly survived this change."

"There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice,
etc. that are common to all states of society. But Communism
abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all
morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it
therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience."

Islam does it a bit differently: 
  • Since Allah is incomprehensible in his out-of-control wilfulness, and can changes even the most basic moral law from one second to the next, one can only know what Allah's will is is to try to do whatever you feel moved to do: no matter how horrible your urge it, do it and that's the only way you'll know it is Allah's will, or not.

Anyway, it is like God sent us Islam with the message: "This 'gift' will kill you unless you convert it, and you can only convert it if you really believe in Me."

I also came across this article the other day: 
That's another thing we can thank Islam for: police in Europe simply being overwhelmed.

For those interested: the main article...

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