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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Trannie Thought Police at War with Facts, Nature, and You

The English novelist and poet (and atheist, if I remember correctly) Thomas Hardy wrote that many things are too strange to believe, but nothing is too strange to have happened.

So it is.

This article details some of the insanity unleashed on anyone in the "public sphere" who tries to defend traditional Christian sexual mores. I've included an excerpt to it below, but encourage you to read it.

Then there this one, another Federalist article going into detail about how a couple of law professors celebrating marriage and the work ethic were attacked by their colleagues and superior, actually.

The blurb says: They argued that 'bourgeois' norms surrounding marriage and education are important. Their words were quickly distorted and vilified.

So things are getting total, straight-jacketed insane, and doing so fast.
And also even Protestants are having trouble with this -- are they ever! An excerpt:

And that’s why a counter-statement, called the Nazareth Statement, issued by LGBT “Christian” leaders and their allies, affirms all the talking points of LGBT activism, including:
    That “our wide spectrum of unique sexualities and gender identities is a perfect reflection of the magnitude of God's creative work” and that it is wrong to limit God’s creative intent “to a gender binary or that God's desire for human romantic relationships is only to be expressed in heterosexual relationships between one man and one woman.”

An Péachán again:
Their "sexualities and gender identities is a perfect reflection of the magnitude of God's creative work," is it?
  • You know, "blasphemy" is easy to spell, and even easier to look up. I mean, if you were into worrying about the Himself God of Revelation revealed Himself to be about.
  • Of course, if you think "God" and all the rest of it is just made up, that all "religion" is just man's search for something to distract us from meaningless metaphysical materialism, well, whatever. 
  • Some years ago the archaeologist Stuart Piggott wrote a book on druids, and he talked about "druids as wished for" as to what they actually were. Humans have an ability to not see the forest for the tress, and to deny reality, especially as it overwhelms them. That may be a useful trait to have,  if you're in a fox hole, the Maginot Line, or hanging with George Custer at Little Big Horn. 
  • But it's useless with God.
As for current events: Enough is enough. Some are speculating that the "Child Services" people will come after you and take your kids away if you don't subject them to transsexual brainwashing. I'd think actually trying something so insanely loathsome, or also possibly arresting parents who refuse to let their kids be so abused in school, would start a revolution.

But revolutions are unpredictable.

Here's an excerpt from the original Federalist article, which is titled: How The Transgender Crusade Made Me Rethink My Support For Gay Marriage by Bethany Mandel  Blurb:

The Left has shown the totalitarian manner in which it exacts support, or at least silence, from everyday Americans. Gay marriage was just a wedge.

Over the course of the last few months, whenever I write or tweet anything, on any topic, I usually receive a caustic social media response about my position on transgenderism. These trolls post links to my tweets about the subject and screenshots, as if showing me my own recent opinion is some sort of gotcha. These individuals even send tweets to my husband and employers, perhaps in hope that they will use their power over me to get my opinion in check with The Approved Position.

One Twitter follower who “favorited” a tweet of mine about my view on transgenderism even received an email from a stranger demanding to know if her decision to “favorite” my tweet meant she agreed with me. I’ve been called every name in the book: hateful, bigoted, transphobic, etc. All for having a belief that was utterly uncontroversial just three years ago: men are born with penises, women are born with vaginas, and, to quote the great Ben Shapiro, facts don’t care about your feelings.

We Are Being Made to Care

Many of my fellow millennial conservatives, out of what they view as courtesy, use the preferred pronoun and name for individuals who identify as transgender. Here is why I won’t: We will be made to care.

The phrase is care of another great conservative thinker, Erick Erickson. He coined it in the midst of the gay marriage debate. During that debate, I was like many of these younger millennial conservatives. I naively thought the issue was merely about gay marriage, and thought “Hey, marriage is great, so let’s just give into the Left’s demands about the redefinition of a cornerstone of our society because not doing so would be bigoted.”

But there was more to the Left’s battle with conservatives than that. It wasn’t just about redefining marriage to these activists; it was also about punishing those who weren’t 100 percent on board, especially religious Christians. The livelihoods and lives of bakers, photographers, farmers, and the CEO of Mozilla were destroyed for not completely adhering to the Thought Police’s demands. These Americans were made to care.

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