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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Give Bergi a little credit, him or his "creatures and hangers on"


Regarding this news that indeed, the Traditional Latin Mass will be widely banned, essentially outlawing it for any non-FSSP or ICKSP priest to say it  –

Give Bergoglio and his henchmen (Andrea Grillo, Tucho "Kissy" Fernandez, Vittorio Francesco Viola, & Arthur Roche) a little credit. They know full well they can't have the pre-Vatican II TLM Mass being offered because it shows – wildly, unmistakably – that the Vatican II Mass (more specifically, the Hannibale Bugnini "Spirit of Vatican II Mass") is definitely NOT Catholic, or at the very least "Catholic Lite". They can't allow the TLM to exist because it accuses them manifestly and continually. It shows them up. They want to finally "fulfill" or "complete" what they allege Vatican II started, and the TLM is a roadblock to that.

Also, remember, the Bergoglians are working on a new even more "ecumenical" liturgy that won't have a consecration. Little mentioned in the mainstream Catholic press, it has been written up and they're going to use it for the Synodal Church.

In this context, you can see why Bergoglio is pushing this right now – or his imps Grillo, Fernandez, Viola and Roche might be pushing it, as Tio Jorge himself doesn't celebrate liturgy at all and seemingly couldn't  care less. (How ironic that the champion of the Novus Ordo rite is obviously bored with it!)

Of course, trying so outrageously and stupidly to ban the TLM will ironically even prove all this to all but the most unhinged papal supremacists. Their own acts will reveal them. 

So in the Libyan fable it is told
That once an eagle, stricken with a dart,
Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft,
"With our own feathers, not by others' hands,
Are we now smitten."


Only these clowns are not eagles. They're dodos.

Kinda like the Biden administration, actually. 

  An Préachán

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

No to the TLM Grab: Catholic Ecumenicism with Vatican II Church Devilry Has to End /with Update

Update Note:
News of the Vatican's 'extrajudicial penal trial' against Archbishop Viganò is hardly surprising, and just confirms what I've written in the essay below. 


One usually thinks of Ecumenicism as a "dialogue" (whatever that overused word means outside of drama or narrative) between Christian denominations, but it actually primarily occurs, I think, within the Catholic Church, and there only between the Traditional Catholics and the "Novus Ordo" Vatican II Catholics. It is NOT a dialogue, however, but a tyranny, as we've all seen these past 60 years.

It is time – long past time, but now SO obvious – Traditional Catholics ended the ecumenicalism we've had with the Vatican II Church. Yes, to be Christian is to suffer for the Faith, but it is not Christian to suffer heretics lording it over us. The secular world already hates us; we have no need to let so-called Churchmen hate us and force us to suffer their wickedness. Souls are being lost, and it has to stop.

Abrogating the TLM?
Word is out that Bergoglio and his peeps will be cracking down on – as in eliminating or banning – the Traditional Latin Mass. This will probably consist, as Anthony Stine suggests, of Rome banning the TLM in diocesan parishes. (But it could be worse, he notes.) Rorate has the initial article here. Anthony Stine provides a thorough review of it here. Stine quotes Prof. Kwasniewski discounting the rumor, but Dr Stine explains how, with Bergoglio's Vatican being what it is, we can expect literally anything to manifest. I agree. Commentator Kennedy Hall, for his part, offers a very insightful understanding of this mess. Mr Hall points out that this has happened before. This is, after all, what they forced on us in the 1970s. A billion Catholics were worshiping in the TLM, Hall reminds us, including the pope, the cardinals, bishops, religious, and the laity, and even so the Modernists dropped the hammer on it.

In this, Mr Hall makes an excellent and indispensable point. Astutely, Hall points out that Pope John Paul II (God have mercy on that confused soul) only allowed the TLM because he and his Vatican team insisted hardly anyone except old folks wanted it, as though from some sentimental attachment. And the Polish pope insisted it would not be allowed at all if any Traditionalist thought that the Novus Order slop was somehow inferior to the TLM. For JP2, attraction to the TLM was a "problem", Hall notes, reading from a JP2 document, that needed to be "solved". 

This insight says it all. For the Modernist heretics, devotion to the Traditional Faith, the handed-down Faith ("I give you what I have been given", as St. Paul says twice in First Corinthians), is merely a psychological condition that needs "solved." Or we are just plain heretics. As one Modernist wrote (referenced below), we are "not in a relationship of fidelity" to Rome, but we are "at odds" with Rome. Of course we are, you fool, because you are "not in a relationship of fidelity" to the Faith as it has been handed down from the Apostles! Duh! 

To them, the New Mass is infinitely better; we see it as infinitely inferior. To insist the Novus Ordo is better is to fry our brains on the skillet of cognitive dissonance. I, myself, grew up with the new Mass and I testify about it thoroughly in these pages; I repudiate it. It's horizontal, not vertical, secular not sacred. If nothing else, it simply prays for a lot less – literally asking for less from God – and therefore naturally far fewer graces accrue from it. Of course far fewer graces accrue from it. We've copious proof of that over the last half century, have we not? I won't go back. 

Now, clearly, these are diametrically different viewpoints between the Modernists and Traditionalists. They can't both be correct. If the Modernists (technically "post-Modernists") running the Church since John 23 called Vatican II could disregard what that impotent and flaccid Council actually recommended for the liturgy; i.e. the calls for Latin to be retained in the Mass and Gregorian Chant be given pride of place, they could get away with anything they wanted to. And they did. This despite the Vatican II Council supposedly being a "Pastoral" Council, so its teaching consists of recommendations on pastoral outreach rather than dogmatic definitions, as Vatican I and most other councils promulgated. But the Modernists use it as a dogmatic sledgehammer to smash us actual Catholics all to bits. We live in the ruins.

Whatever Bergoglio, the Anti-Pope extraordinaire, and his lavender imps and cross-eyed hobgoblins are planning for the TLM, they obviously hate it. They hate actual "bead counters" and "breeders". They obviously do not understand the Traditional Liturgy. So, therefore, surely, now it is time to say enough, as in "Good-bye to you, get out of our house!". Yes, long past time. I could list all the devilry Bergoglio has imposed on Holy Church, but you-all know most of that already. Funding the drag tranny at the children's gathering was the slap in the face many needed to wake up. The Argentinian is just the icing on the Vatican II cake.

This is why I write that our ecumenicalism with the Vatican II tumble-down disaster has to end. Yes, our Catholic engagement with Modernism and the Modernist Church has to end. 

The Apostolic Faith
There exists the Catholic Faith, the Apostolic Tradition, the Deposit of Faith that has been handed down from the Apostles, and as St. Paul wrote of it, if he himself or an angel from Heaven dare teach another, let him be anathema. (Galatians 1:8-9) Then there exists a wide variety of Churches teaching versions of this Deposit of Faith, affirming this bit while discounting that bit, picking and choosing. Some are less heretical than others, certainly, such as the autocephalous or self-headed 14 Orthodox Churches. These are separate from Rome but they have valid sacraments and Apostolic Succession. Then there are the Oriental Orthodox. Many Eastern Rite Churches exist that are indeed in communion with Rome. (Though Bergoglio is putting absolutely everything under mortal strain by making "Rome" heretical.) Then there are the Protestant Churches, 20,000 or so – some say a lot more – who are not Apostolic-founded Churches, but denominations separating themselves in profound ways from Apostolic Christianity.

Failure to Stop the World Wars
Ecumenism was a big thing post World War II, as the various theologians and church leaders tried to deal with their being totally impotent to affect such a abrutal horror as either World War – or for that matter, the looming World War III. (That's something Bergoglio could be raising Cain about, but he is too busy coddling homosexuals.) During the Covid fraud, the Vatican II Church went belly up entirely. Though the pre-Conciliar Church was quite healthy generally speaking, these disaffected leaders during Vatican II and after pushed the idea to make the Church relevant again by refounding it as more modern, more "with it", more mundane and less "religious' or "spiritual". A key to this Modernist self-inflicted murder focused on Modernists trying to attract mainly the Protestant sects into rejoining the Catholic Church via negotiations  the idiot idea being to make Catholicism more like Protestantism so Catholicism would be less objectionable to Protestants. 
  • That was the origin of the Novus Ordo, the New Mass as Annibale (Hannibal) Bugnini – the toad who wrote the new Mass up – himself said. No wonder so many Catholics left the Church after the Church imposed it on them.
  • But the basic idea on its face is asinine. 
  • No Protestant can respect it, as it is so craven, and no true Catholic can tolerate it, as it most definitely isn't Catholic. 
  • For hundreds of years now, Protestantism has defined itself in thousands of ways, but common to all its emendations stands its refusal to be Catholic. Ecumenism is as dumb as trying to "reunite" with the Jews by adopting kosher laws when Jews have spent the last 2,000 years being Jewish precisely by rejecting Christ, the point of Christianity. 
  • Finally, trying to be "Protestant-lite", Catholics only succeeded in insulting Protestants by "getting into their lane". Of course they're insulted. They staked out their ground years ago and don't want us invading it. So imbecilic is all this that perhaps it is true this is all a plan of the Freemasons to bring down the Church.
Ecumenicalism is a falsity in and of itself. It's founded not on reason but emotion. ("Wouldn't it be nice if we could all agree?") It's not about faith but negotiation. Christianity is not – and never has been – about negotiations with other religions. Even within itself. From the beginning, Christians saw all other religions as at best false, at worst diabolical. And as one can see from St. Paul, they continually policed themselves. Christians could have saved their lives by burning a pinch of incense to the emperor; it would have been easy to "negotiate" that. Yet they would rather die. That's because they had FAITH in Christ and knew via God's grace that all else was a lie. And now we are reliving exactly this situation, with our pinch of incense now required abandoning the Traditional worship. 

This is essential to understand. While paganism is about ignorant superstition or tribal identity ("I swear by the gods my people swear by" Cú Chullainn used to boast) and Judaism is about inheritance and Islam is about submission (Al-Islam literally means The Submission), Christianity is about Faith in Christ, and Faith is more than belief: it is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is supernatural, and definitely not up for negotiation.
Besides: Individuals convert. Institutions do not. Individual pagans can become Christian, as can Jews and Muslims (though the latter might be killed for doing so). Catholics can convert to other religions or become atheists. That's the Mysterium Fidei of God's gift of grace and the vagaries of human free will. None of that is arrived at by committees negotiating minutiae – or by elite bureaucrats imposing their diktats on the Faithful.
Ecumenism, if it is anything other than being "nice" to folk of other religions, is a negotiation: "Well, if we give up this teaching, will you join with us then?" Or "If we accept your teaching on this, will you join us then?" And that is exactly how John Paul II and Benedict saw easing off on TLM restrictions. A negotiation. Offering crumbs to dumb birds to keep them from flying the coop. But they imposed a time limit from the beginning, as Kennedy Hall asserts. Their patience with us has run out. Our Traditional time is over, this new Vatican ruling is saying. Pinch the incense or else. They fully intend to force the issue. We must refuse their entire gambit.

In short: WE CATHOLICS have had to give up so much of the Traditional Teaching of the Faith to the Modernists who took over the Church just in order to "stay Catholic" and not be called Schismatics or Sedevacantists. But it was never enough, was it? It never is with terrorists, and that's what the Vatican II Reformers were. Now, with Bergoglio bringing to birth this demonic "Synodal Church" of his, they're demanding even more! The Ape of the Church is come. And it is a baboon.

What Modernists Think
No. Just no. Of course Modernists think the Traditional Catholicism isn't true, or THE Faith is just a mental condition explained by psychology. Remember the fundamental idea of Modernism is that life evolves, our understanding of things evolves, and even God evolves. And they are the elite who see all and know all and we have to evolve as they tell us to. 

Of course they think they can manipulate us, push us around, consign us to some reservation in a school gym somewhere. Until they terminate us. Remember, to them, we have a psychological condition that needs "solved." Or we are just plain heretics. Anthony Stine in a followup podcast in which he reads from an interview with Andrea Grillo, the Vatican's "leader of liturgical progressivism": it is Grillo who asserts we are "not in a relationship of fidelity" to Rome, but we are "at odds" with Rome. Grillo also callously dismisses the Chartres Pilgrimage, saying,
"What are 18,000 people compared to the great multitude of the Catholic Church? Little more than a sect that experiences infidelity as salvation, as is often linked to moral and political positions, and very concerning customs. Tradition and Traditionalism cannot be equated."
That's exactly what they think of us. This is 180 degrees opposite of Tradition's understanding of the Faith, of devotion and the innate human desire to worship God as God has laid down.

We must break with these people. They are not Catholic. Bergoglio has defected from the Church, and this Professor Grillo, a VIP in Bergoglio's Vatican speaking though the Argentinian's mouth, is a truly blind guide. Grillo is a callous ideologue whose heartlessness is as plain as if he had horns and a forked tail. Fr James Mawdsley presents an excellent explanation of why Bergoglio cannot stop priests from saying the TLM starting at 12:06, "A word about obedience".

Millions have left the Church and the Holy Sacraments necessary for Salvation – to them the Sacraments are just juju, magic superstition for mental degenerates exactly like some Protestants have so long alleged. No wonder the Vatican II Church is so "Protestant"!

Raising Christ's Royal Standard
Suffering is a part of life, and sometimes we must suffer: accident, heartache, disease, tragedy. We Catholics can carry it too far, as did Luisa Piccarreta of the false Divine Will cult within the Church. (For details, see Fr Mawdsley.) The Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows is the all-time exemplar of true Christian suffering. She endured all that God sent her after her Fiat without the slightest demur, and is therefore the greatest created being, and our Mother and Intercessor. See what the demons testify to this.

In terms of the Faith, however, the world will always hate Christians because it hated Christ. We suffer when we must but it is sadomasochistic to suffer needlessly. We instinctively draw the line at a certain point. 
  1. We couldn't let the Jews kill off Christianity in the first forty years of the Faith.
  2. We couldn't let the Gnostics bury it alive in its infancy.
  3. We couldn't let the pagan Roman state snuff it out, the Germanic barbarians or the later Mongols crush it.
  4. We definitely could not let Islam – yet another Gnostic legalistic system – swamp it and tax it to death. 
  5. We couldn't let the Cathar Gnostics kill it with their homosexual cult in the Middle Ages any more than we can let perverts destroy it now. 
  6. And we couldn't let Protestants dissolve it into initial confusion, then empirical irrelevancy and finally the modern all-pervasive secularism.
  7. We cannot let Bergoglio and Grillo and so many others destroy it from within, either, any more than we can allow the One World Government or Communism or Consumer Capitalism or Freemasonry to throttle it. The challenges from "the world, the flesh, and the devil" never end.
For our children's sake, we must preserve the Faith. We must fight. Therefore I repudiate Bergoglio, and have done so for some time. If that makes me a Sedevacantist, then at least I am not suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. What we need is a bishop, just one, to start the avalanche that has been building pressure and is about to burst. Bishop Strickland, for example, or Bishop Schneider to name another, who would formally declare by their Apostolic Authority that Bergoglio and Grillo and the rest have clearly defected from the Catholic Church, and that Catholics need to anathematize them.

We need to raise Our Lord's Royal Standard, the Sacred Heart, and not take it down until God triumphs.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Questions Taylor Marshall & Calvin Robinson's interview raise, also, Gavin Ashenden's response


I have an initial question to start the ball rolling:

Desacralization. Can someone – some Vatican IIer, some Bergoglio acolyte, or some Protestant maven – please explain to me why it is SO important to desacralize Catholicism? The Orthodox East have always been horrified at the West's orgy of desacralization. But it is not just the West. Islam itself is another form of Christian desacralization, a Christian heresy "boiling it down" to basics. Islam and Judaism are more a mundane, law-based "ethnicization" of a faith than religions, per se. Islam has the Sufi mystics sect, of course, often shunned by regular Muslims, and Judaism has the Haredim, but they have 613 laws you must obey, for Heaven's sake; (Judaism obviously never recovered from the loss of the monastic Essenes, its most spiritual faction.) Protestantism serves as an expurgation of Catholicism, an abridgement of it. Vatican II Catholicism meanwhile is the bowdlerization of itself.
But we're talking about – please remember – a religion. A RELIGION. Don't you WANT a religion to be sacred? Holy? Set apart? Non-mundane, non-profane? Uplifting, soul-heightening? I mean, isn't that the whole point?
  • Religion needs to be vertical, not horizontal. 
  • God-centered or the Divine Above-centered it ought to be, rather than human-focused and earthbound.
  • That's what the Reformation was, a massive desacralization. The Iconoclasm of it was precisely that, the casting down of both art and theology from the themes of heavenly sacrifice and spiritual ascendancy, the verticality of it all, knocked down to a paltry banality of prosaic credence. A whittling down to the lowest common denominator short of atheism. (But of course it would inexorably lead to atheism.)
  • And Vatican II was a "mini-me" replication of the Reformation that left the Catholic Church completely wrecked, with now twelve types of Catholics in existence, as per this interesting video. All thanks to the Vatican II Church's idiot cognoscenti.
Marshall and Robinson
A fascinating interview occurred between Taylor Marshall and Calvin Robinson, an Englishman who has gained an internet following as a Christian apologist. He is not a Roman Catholic priest or a priest in one of the Eastern Rite Churches in Communion with Rome, nor yet an "Orthodox" priest. Robinson was on Marshall's podcast to explain what he is: he's been an Anglican then an English Free Church deacon and now is some form of "Old Catholic". Mr Marshall seems to agree that Robinson obtained valid if illicit orders and could easily become formally a Catholic priest in communion with Rome, and spends a lot of time trying to pin Robinson down on why he won't go ahead and become a full Catholic. Robinson dodges and weaves. "Is Catholicism Always ROMAN?

Then Gavin Ashenden, who knows Robinson, weighs in with a long but engrossing podcast explaining the English Reformation in great detail and utterly destroys the Anglican/Episcopal conceit that they have "Catholic Roots". Brilliantly done, Mr. Ashenden (who was himself once an Anglican bishop).

I highly recommend both the friendly, civilized Marshal-Robinson discussion, and Ashenden's friendly, civilized rebuttal of Robinson's arguments. Robinson himself is the unknown quantity, and we want to know about him. He's obviously quite orthodox in his Catholic beliefs and made the argument that historically, to be Catholic, one had to hold and teach the doctrines of the Universal (i.e. "Catholic") Church, and Marshall was making the point one also has to be in Communion with the pope to be Catholic. As an interested third party, I would say that in theory the two notions ought to go together; in practice, as we see every day, they don't. And at the core of why that is so stands this question of desacralization of the Faith.

What's Catholic?
First and foremost, heretics don't get to define what's "Catholic", and Protestants of any stripe are some sort of heretic, by definition. But now we have a crisis within the Church (as Ashenden reminds us) and things ecclesiastical are deeply awry. We have the Church desperately trying to desacralize itself. Just now Anthony Stine has a video up on homosexual priests about to "come out" and demand being fully accepted by Rome. "James Martin's Favorite Kind Of Priests Are About To Go Public In A Big Way".

As Stine points out, this is all part of the secularization of the Church that has been going on since Vatican II and is now gathering steam under "Francis". Clearly, Queer Advocate Martin and these homosexual priests seek to make "push come to shove" and force the Church to accept them, which it cannot do without dumping St. Paul, let alone Our Lord Christ. Stine says Martin has openly rejected St. Paul's teaching on deviants, and now "Pope Francis" has written a foreword to James Martin's new book.
  • In a mess like this, why would a good man like Calvin Robinson want to become Roman Catholic?
Church of the Troll Bergoglio
Although Vatican II sourced the confusion, one of Bergoglio's most infamous hallmarks is his spread of utter confusion. This is the Twilight Zone papacy. We all know Bergoglio is an absolute formal heretic (or whatever term one desires to use), and certainly a professional Destructor (you know, like Gozer in Ghost Busters). Bergoglio is "cancelling" orthodox Catholic bishops and crushing the orthodox Traditional Latin Rite Mass while allowing the Sin of Sodom to disembowel the Holy Church. Did you see the Vatican sponsored a drag queen? For their World's Children Day no less? This is a "No, just stop" moment. It ought to be an officially "Damn Bergoglio and the horse he rode in on" moment. Bergoglio and his peeps have not denounced this, so far as I know, and the deposed Bishop Strickland calls for something to be done about it. Well, my dear Bishop, you shouldn't have let that Troll depose you.

Bergoglio allows all this and lets the insane German Church run wild while he sacks bishops like Joseph Strickland for the crime of being a believing Catholic. As with Joe Biden being America's worst president, so "Pope Francis" is Holy Church's worst pope – were he an actual pope, which many of us know he cannot be. So, one can reason:
  • As Bergoglio's minions in the hierarchy are cancelling orthodox Catholic priests in every direction, therefore – 
  • Why would Calvin Robinson want to become a full Roman Catholic priest when the bishop who received him would immediately "cancel" him, too? (Yes, they probably wouldn't receive him in the first place.) 
  • Calvin Robinson was too polite to say this, of course.
The question is crucial. Is one not a Catholic if one is not "in Communion" with the pope, even though one is baptized and holds all the Catholic dogmas and essential doctrines? And even more basically, can one be "in Communion" with a heretic pope who is destroying the Church? In this crazy reality, Robinson can quite possibly possess valid holy orders because a "Nordic Catholic Church" bishop ordained him, a bishop who had himself received a valid although illicit consecration. Is Bergoglio himself an actual bishop because of his valid consecration when he himself doesn't believe a word of it all? Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

The Papacy
Every organization needs a top guy with whom final authority rests. A ship needs a captain, an army needs a general, a platoon needs a sergeant, a company needs a CEO and a country needs a monarch or president  The papacy serves that role for the Universal (Catholic) Church. For almost two thousand years, each bishop of a diocese was "pope" of that Church. Once elected by the clergy and people, or later appointed by higher up archbishops, a bishop stayed with his flock until he died. He was "married" until death to his town/diocese/region, and could only be "divorced" from it for serious health or moral problems. Rarely were bishops moved from one diocese to another as they are commonly moved about today. (Parish priests usually were assigned to a parish until they died, as well.) Paul VI changed all that and made bishops "retire" at 75. Also, you couldn't be a bishop without a diocese, hence the tradition of naming Vatican curia bishops to be bishops of some long extinct early Church. Vatican II changed that. Bishop Strickland is therefore now still a bishop although he's been deposed by an evil heretic. Bergoglio the Destructor will most certainly not bother to name Strickland bishop of some defunct diocese, unless as an insult it would be, say, Laodicea.

Problems worked their way up the ecclesiastical ladder to the pope for adjudication. The pope was universal pastor in that specific sense, and not pretending to be actual pastor of every diocese and parish on Earth, micromanaging it all. A system existed, worked well, and they kept to it. (Yes, the Orthodox broke off – and on, and off again – and before the Muslims came in the 7th century, the Coptic Church and the Syrian broke off as well. The remote Armenians were probably never part of it to begin with.) Dealing with Luther's narcissistic egomania is an example of how that system worked. 
  1. But with the advent of modern communication technology, the papacy could wield absolute power under a domineering kind of pope. 
  2. The first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid before the American Civil War, and although that failed, soon others followed, and Pius IX could "call up" and give direct orders to a bishop in Argentina or Australia in minutes. 
  3. Pius IX was certainly domineering, and even said, "I am the Tradition" echoing Louis XIV's "I am the state". Pio Nono it was who called Vatican I and got it to formally declare his special "from the Chair" pronouncements "infallible". 
  4. That had been the understanding before, of course, but never codified because a pope only acted infallibly when some issue needed a final ruling. By the nature of the system, a pope's ruling was a "final word". Usually, a pope was kept busy enough just being the actual bishop of Rome, a task they now delegate to others. 
  5. But with the new technology, Pius IX seemed to think the bishops of the world were his secretaries and "branch managers" and put them on a leash. That may not have mattered much when the bishops were orthodox Catholics, and Ashenden takes the time to read the kindly but final response the great Pope Leo XIII made about Anglican orders. 
  6. But now when popes were only in varying degrees orthodox; i.e. the Vatican II popes enmeshed in the Modernist cobwebs, that became a problem. 
  7. Finally we have Bergoglio, who has taken Pius IX's absolute power and is employing it to literally deconstruct Catholicism, root and branch. He's formally creating a new Church, the Synodal one.
The Universal Church is thus quite divided, and no, I don't include Protestants in that Church, but only Apostolic Churches.
  1. The Big Fourteen Orthodox Churches are not in Communion with the pope – definitely and defiantly so – yet they have valid Apostolic Succession and Holy Orders. (They have a problem with their divorce doctrine because some emperor or other demanded it, and otherwise, they're each a "national Church".) And the venerable Coptic Church isn't even talking to the Catholic Church now thanks to The Troll, our Juan Peron on the Tiber.
  2. Is a "Benesedevacantist" like Ann Barnhardt a Catholic? Or myself?
  3. Or a "regular" sedevacantist like Louie Verrecchio at AKA Catholic? He doesn't accept ANY of the Vatican II popes. (BTW Verrecchio has an excellent article here about how the Vatican II Church messed up the Collect for Trinity Sunday, with a link to Professor Michael P. Foley's amazing article on the same, here at New Liturgical Movement.) Read those two articles to see what you've been missing as a "Catholic" since Vatican II, both about the sublime doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity and also just how profound the sacrament of Confession actually is. You know, both of those are pretty basic, and we've been robbed blind by these Vatican II cretins.
Our Lord Christ Himself said, "If they are not against us, they are for us." (Mark 9:28-41; Luke 9:50) But what about Bergoglio? That man is definitely NOT for Christ, in any way. Bergoglio tears up Church tradition and disregards the Deposit of Faith. Hardly ever does he mention our Lord, and his documents and those of "Tucho-Touchy" Fernandez almost never mention Christ. The entire Synodal Church that they are aborning has very little indeed to do with Christ. So, no wonder there are twelve types of Catholics now.

That is a problem indeed for the desacralizing Vatican II Churchmen and the desacralized laity, and not just for a Calvin Robinson.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Trump's conviction > War with Russia > Red Dawn terrorist attacks > suspended elections...


We're very close to war with Russia, the USA and NATO. See this discussion with Col. Douglas Macgregor here

We are also very close to financial collapse in both America and Europe. And actual social collapse swamped with 15 million illegal aliens in the U.S. Not to mention a runaway government curtailing our freedoms and locking up opposition party leaders. Trump is the tip of that iceberg.

The population of the West seems divided between the knowledgeable and frantic versus "sheeple" stumbling along blindly. (For an excellent article on how Leftists think, or rather I should say, feelread this.) 

How did this come about?

The conviction of Donald Trump serves as a milestone in the Deep State's collapse of the United States. It is a sign post up ahead, if I may conjure Rod Serling's ghost, of the all too real Twilight Zone we have fully entered into. Sounds too tin-foil hat, too crazy conspiracy theory? Americans are fed up with their government, which seems both incompetent and self-perpetuating despite elections. It only ever gets worse. Or I should say half of Americans think so; the other are sheeple only concerned for their specific special interest group, a Balkanization of the people fostered by government itself as a classic "divide and conquer" tactic. All of this is not just a product of happenstance.

That Deep State is real, whether you want it to be or not. Being in World War II and baptized and schooled especially during the Korean War, in the "Cold War", the Deep state thrived in an essentially symbiotic relationship with world Communism, both its nemesis and raison d'êtreNow in many ways it mirrors the Communism it fought as it now violently intersects with Islam's perpetual Jihad. Islam has given it a new raison d'être. Islam justifies its existence, and the curtailment of our freedoms.

A combination of the Intelligence Services and the military industrial complex, the Deep State gave us the Vietnam war only a decade after Korea, killed John F. Kennedy who had sworn vengeance on the CIA after the Bay of Pigs, and it has whipped up the endless wars since, especially with Islam, which needs no encouragement to kill. It finally exploded Covid on us via funding insane lab experiments around the world. One can deny this all one wants, dismiss it as "conspiracy theory", at least until they shove you blindfolded against the wall. But it is real, and it is all of a piece. When Harry Truman created the CIA, he is supposed to have said he didn't want to create a Gestapo. Well, Harry, you Masonic tool, guess what? This is an old story in government; after all: think of the Praetorian Guards making one emperor after another or the palace intrigue in Constantinople. A tail wagging the dog. 

In this essay, I'll review two separate points that we must consider now, since "the handwriting is on the wall".

Conviction of Trump
So, the good news  what there is of it: look at Trump's conviction this way: Donald J. Trump has now joined the ranks of Nelson Mandela, Václav Havel, and Lech Walesa in being a felon. Mandela and Havel and Walesa were not criminals in the usual sense any more than Trump is: no, it was their governments that considered them dangerous and bestowed on them felon status in order to politically cripple them. 

Repressive authoritarian governments do that to non-criminals such as these men. Trump has joined their ranks, which include so many, even Martin Luther King, Jr., whom Democrats (mostly) arrested on 28 or 29 occasions, making him a "convicted felon" many times over. Eugene Debs was sent to prison in 1918 for "obstructing the draft and military recruitment" during World War I because he was opposed to "Mr. Wilson's War". Imagine how the Biden Regime would treat anyone opposing Biden's coming and utterly unnecessary coming war with Russia.
  • History is filled with such examples involving men of conscience being labeled traitors, going back to Sts Peter and Paul. 
  • It never ends because it's what tyrants do. It's human nature shaped by Original Sin.
  • Therefore, when anyone brings up to you that "Trump is a convicted felon!" trope, just recite these names. Good company.
American Politics and the Godless Republic
Friends, American politics stink. Have stunk. Will stink. A few infamous examples: Richard Nixon, after receiving in 1972 one of the largest presidential vote totals in American history, was removed from office supposedly for privately contracting inter-party espionage work that Lyndon Johnson, his predecessor, did illegally using the FBI and IRS. Johnson had made sure that Barry Goldwater, the 1964 Republican candidate and first true "conservative" and "populist" presidential candidate in modern history, was totally squashed. And in return, Lyndon Johnson, being the putrid, diabolical guano that he was; i.e. part and parcel of the Deep State game, gave Americans the Vietnam War. (The Deep State arranged the assassination of South Vietnam's president just weeks before they did the same for JFK.) Just so Johnson could make money from his "military-industrial complex" connections. Eisenhower had warned us against that "Complex", and that entity, with the Intelligence services, rules the show, is behind what is happening now, along with true Leftists (i.e. Communists.) Read it here. The American Founders deeply feared an established military. They were right to do so. 

See how this parallels Joe Biden's regime giving us the Ukraine war? Hillary Clinton would have given us that Ukrainian war had she been elected in 2016. George W. Bush and later Obama and their Uniparty neo-con warmongers set it all up through complex intrigue and "color revolutions" from 2004 on.

Going back in time, Ronald Reagan, after a big election win in November 1980, was nearly assassinated months after he took office in 1981, and during his second term, again, winning an election by one of the largest vote margins in history, Reagan was hamstrung during that last term by the "Iran-Contra Affair, something Democrats cooked up against him. Between Reagan and Trump we had various Uniparty apparatchiks, until Obama, who is a true Communist. Donald Trump, another popular-vote type of winner, had his first term hamstrung by an entirely fake "Russia Hoax" that the Deep State and Uniparty ginned up. Then in 2020 Democrats cheated to get brain-dead Joe Biden installed – the evidence for that is overwhelming, with a lot of it on video. But the "Deep State" barrels on through all opposition, regardless. The people be damned. The "sheeple" bleat uselessly. Never has the separation of the American people from its government been so obvious. And it seems the Deep State, the "Powers-that-Be" is now disinclined to keep up the pretense.

Now they convicted Trump for no underlying crime that the Soros-prosecutors or Democrat judge can explain. I have been following the details, as anyone can, and unless you only listen to MainStream Media and believe everything you hear from them, you know this entire "bookkeeping scandal" is a hoax, as well. Right now it looks like Donald Trump is receiving a massive number of donations, large and small, $53 million worth in the first 24 hours, and half a billion or so in 48 – and unless the Democrats can suspend the November election via war or "scamdemic" – he'll probably win, even despite all their cheating. (Mainstream media polling seems to indicate a 50-50 split between Biden and Trump, although Biden is such a cadaver and the economy so bad I find that impossible to believe, unless America is truly populated by sheeple zombies.)

What this says Spiritually
  1. All this above is in terms of mundane election and politics, mind you. In terms of religion and the country's spiritual ills, the United States of America has always been "on the jump", wrapped up in its Revolution's echoes in the sense it is not a religious country, with no "God and Country" foundation, and thus ultimately "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law", if I dare to quote British Satanist Aleister Crowley.
  2. This is because without an official religion framing national being and consciousness, providing a Divine Metric to judge ourselves through a grounding in the supernatural and immutable, the natural and mutable are quick to take over. Public opinion alone makes the people's policy, and ultimately the people. That's the kicker. As we see with the Deep State and its media, people are manipulated into thinking what they do.
  3. God is not mentioned in the 1787 Constitution, you know. When asked why God wasn't invoked in any way, Alexander Hamilton laughed and said, "I declare, we forgot!" The American Revolution replaced God and the idea of government receiving its authority from God with John Locke's notion that government receives its authority from the consent of the governed. But how do the millions of governed actually "consent"? Apparently it is by electing self-serving politicians who curry their favor only to betray them to monied interests, as we see today.
  4. American history demonstrates the country's moral instability. Founded on the highest ideals, unlike taught by the racist 1619 Project, Americans early on confronted intractable problems. Slavery, something Americans inherited from their colonial past and that many opposed, North and South, also expanded in an industrial manner to a huge scale. That happened concurrently with the slave-owning Southerners herding southern Indians onto reservations beyond the Mississippi, thus becoming America's first welfare recipients (it impoverished them), long before Lyndon Johnson boasted that his "Great Society" welfare programs did so to American blacks...
  5. ...And in part by the American Civil War – which the Southerners fought to preserve Black chattel slavery – in which about 360,000 Union and 258,000 Confederate soldiers were killed, although new research suggests 100,000 more died, many via disease. The rich slavers and the Southern Secessionist "Fire Eaters" had actually planned to spread American-style slavery around the Caribbean, in any event. "States Rights" was a joke, another, "Look! Squirrel!" distraction. That's the real reason the Southern aristocrats broke with the Union – to replicate American slavery on an international scale at the time when slavery was becoming anathema to the Western nations.
  6. The second half of the 19th century was the "Gilded Age" of the Robber Barons and from the very late 19th to early 20th began the rise – via the "Progressives" in both the Democrat and Republican parties – of the all-powerful bureaucratic state which soon enough blundered America into WWI. 
  7. Was the "consent of the governed" manifested in any of this? Is it today?
Dying Christianity
Now, a large majority of Americans have always been Christian, at least until World War II. But as detailed above, the religion itself has never held representation in the government; it has had no formal voice or power of restraint of any sort. The only influence government allowed it was atomized into millions of voters whose public opinion was easily manipulated. A prime example was the Confederate grandees who got the poor whites to fight their war for them while the Confederate Congress exempted sons of the Planter class. The Founders, you see, didn't want any religious authorities affecting either slavery or Indian removal.
  1. Truly, "do what thou wilt" was the watchword, and still is today.
  2. Only now the acceptable behavior boundaries have changed because a fully hedonistic, Sodom-like anti-civilization run by a totally godless bureaucracy rules all. 
  3. The various Christian denominations of American Christianity have been fading out fast since World War II and the Deep State rise. Most painful is Catholicism, run by unbelieving homosexual perverts whom the Federal government pays millions to to manage "immigrants". (The American bishops, like "Pope" Francis in Europe, never saw an illegal immigrant they didn't love.)
  4. Religious Jews have been a minority of that confession for over a century. 
  5. Muslims are pouring in, but Islam is more crudely political than even godless Communism.
  6. Only a strong and wide-spread, sincerely held return to the idea of "Christ is King" can save the USA. A spiritual reorientation and regrounding, founded from above in a religion preaching that God took on human form to uplift human nature, thus completely cancelling Original Sin, is necessary. 
  7. But neither Islam nor Judaism believe in Original Sin, and neither do the "Progressive" Leftists, who don't even believe in God. Because of this faulty spiritual anthropology, we're doomed.

We see from the story of Candace Owens how various powers-that-be do not like that focus on and understanding of Christ. To the extent influential non-religious and Leftist sects intentionally weakened Christian American culture, they opened the door to Islamic invasion. Just brilliant, that. The Muslims know what they want. See Islamic leader declaring Muslim U.S. domination. So much for American religion being a saving grace to the great godless Republic.

My Second Point
Red Dawn and Suspended Elections
Given the dismal review above, we can be certain this situation cannot continue. Something has to give: either serious financial collapse, which does indeed seem imminent, a war with Russia that the American Deep State wants but no Americans will fight, or what is called "Red Dawn" terrorist attacks from within the country.

My point in this essay is twofold: to stress that Trump's travails exist due to the American state nearing its nadir because of spiritual problems the government is constitutionally forced to ignore; and secondly, to suggest that the Soviet show trial farce in New York that has now convicted President Trump serves as the "Look! Squirrel!" trick to take your attention off of the increase involving odd happenings recently, such as the bomb at the bank in Youngstown, the occasional burning of food processing plants, the very recent 5-alarm fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Marion County, Illinois, on Wednesday night, that killed millions of chickens, and the sudden "scamdemic" "bird flu" that has one Governor Kim Reynolds signing a disaster proclamation on Tuesday for killing more than four million chickens because they were supposedly exposed to "a highly contagious bird flu." 
N.B. We've been through this avian flew rodeo before. The Spanish Influenza post-WWI was supposedly an avian flu virus but what you're never told unless you read specialty literature is that two different sets of Public Health Authority researcher teams (one in Boston, one in San Francisco, I believe) slaved for years to try to get patients exhibiting flu symptoms to infect volunteers – extensive research they (supposedly) wouldn't be allowed to do today, including transferring body fluids, mucus, saliva – and they never reproduced the "flu" in the volunteers!
On top of that, you are generally not told about the shocking amount of farmland Red China (and Bill Gates, etc.) owns in the U.S. or that story about the Special Forces major who caught two Chechen illegal aliens photographing his kids (with a telephoto lens); he confronted one and shot him

Considering that the Biden misAdministration, the Biden regime, has let 15 million or so illegal aliens into the country, it is not surprising that Wayne Allyn Root says two million of them are terrorists and Root reports his contacts in the CIA are telling him to expect a "Red Dawn" series of terrorist attacks across the U.S. Colonel Douglas Macgregor says he thinks at least a 100,000 Chinese military-aged men are now in the country.

Root explains how even a modest number of these terrorists – a few thousand – using simple weapons (handguns, automatic rifles, grenades) acting simultaneously can completely shut down the country. This is our reality. Did you know that 30,000 Chinese illegals – men of military age, mind you – have entered the U.S. since October

Root asks rhetorically why? One of his commentators immediately replied that the American government (CIA, FBI, etc.) are allowing this in order to declare a state-of-emergency and martial law, and of course suspend the November elections.

Friends, I can remember people talking about Jack Kennedy's assassination. One of my brothers was in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive, in the Mekong. Shot full of holes, but survived. I saw Nixon come, Nixon win again, and Nixon go, to be replaced by tumble-down Gerald Ford (they've named an aircraft carrier after him but it doesn't work, either). I've seen the U.S. president get a gargantuan vote total only to be replaced by a president NO ONE elected at all. I've seen the Clintons, the Bushes, and that utter fraud, Obama. I've seen so much American history that I can tell you I believe Root and this "Red Dawn" terrorist attack scenario. Colonel Macgregor has been saying for months he doesn't expect there to be an election in November. I think he's right.

That is the context in which to see what they're doing to Trump. It fits the pattern of what they did to Nixon and Reagan.

In light of all this, the best commentary on this conviction is what Catturd said. He didn't bother addressing Democrats, but to Republicans he said:

Dear Republican Party@GOP

I don’t want to hear another damn word about Ukraine.
I don’t want to hear another damn word about Israel.
I don’t want to hear another damn word about GAZA.
I don’t want to hear another damn word about Taiwan.
I don’t want to hear another damn word about any other country except the USA, you America-last war pigs.

The fascist Democrat Party has completely destroyed our country from within, we have a wide open border, and they’re shitting on the Constitution while you spineless, coward losers get rich on insider trading, rage tweet, and talk about your “principles.”

They’re literally arresting their political opponents and their lawyers and having kangaroo communists show trials – and you pitiful, worthless losers are doing absolutely nothing.

If you don’t have balls to fight for freedom – RESIGN !!!

Found at:

Of course, the Deep State barrels on. War with Russia and "Kangaroo communist show trials" seem to be working for them. Why not a pointless war with Russia? Why not more political arrests? And there's always "Red Dawn". 

Be ready. For anything.