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Friday, February 23, 2024

The Church Is a Bridge, Buckling and Swaying


The Catholic Church is like a bridge.

Imagine a huge chasm, vast, overwhelming, terrifying. It reaches so far down you can't see the bottom, just swirling mist, but you hear thunder and crashing sounds of avalanches, and a roaring of great waters. The Church is like a one-arc bridge leaping across the chasm in a single bound.

The only way across the abyss is this arcing bridge. Yet many people don't want to take the bridge because the chasm is so vast and threatening, and the bridge looks so small in comparison. These folk stay on the near side of the chasm, shivering. Eventually, they wander away. Others cross the bridge easily enough, though they are laden with a lot of baggage. But as they get part way across, and the bridge's arc rises, they start to become unhinged. Some, terrified, run back to the near side, carrying their baggage. Others start shouting and dancing and quivering and shaking. They begin to open their luggage and take out all sort of shocking things; they shout obscenities and engage deviant acts – until, in groups or singly, they literally jump off the bridge, screaming. Still another crowd scoffs and laughs. They stand on the near side, hooting and scowling, and say, "Fools! That's not really a bridge at all. It's a fake bridge. Never was a bridge. Leads nowhere. Everyone, everyone who walks that bridge, the good or the bad or the in-between, end up in the chasm below." This crowd then walks away, noses in the air, though a few remain to mock. 

Then there's a group that marches across together, organized. They sing religious songs and recite prayers, and do not carry much in terms of luggage. They've been going over this bridge for a very long time. Yet about 60 years ago some of them added a new lane to the bridge. Those taking this new lane didn't pray very much, and spent a lot of time on the near side drinking coffee and tea and eating donuts, and attending psychology lectures. When they do cross, now and then, they drag along a lot of fancy, trendy, colorful baggage. Lately, their leaders DRIVE across the bridge, in big, weighty electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are very heavy compared to internal-combustion engine cars. They put a LOT of weight on any bridge, road, or car garage. AND these big bosses carry with them a lot of crazies in outlandish costumes, making a lot of noise, and committing all sorts of carnal acts in the process. It as though they were sort of on a parade route, a demented Mardi Gras. The bridge, especially the novo lane they use, is buckling. It's cracking. It emits all sort of squeaks and groans and snapping sounds. Finally the biggest electric vehicle of all starts across, driven by a very fat man in white, who orders the other lane closed to traffic (though many ignore his order). His heavyweight transport is carrying the most outlandish characters yet seen. The bridge begins to seriously wobble.

Will the bridge fall? Will it snap? Or only the novo lane, obviously the weakest? Will it become a single-file bridge? Stay tuned. But as you step back from the bridge you notice a plaque bolted on the near-side entrance. It reads: "Founded by the Holy Ghost on the First Pentecost Sunday. The Gates of Hell will not prevail against it. -Signed Jesus Christ, Sovereign King." It's a bit tarnished, and the mocking crowd papered over it at one point. The perverts then splashed it with gaudy paint. But it is still there, still legible, for those to see who can.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Article: Pope Francis’ fight against the Latin Mass is ‘a fight against the Church’


LifeSiteNews has a great essay up that a German priest, Fr. Heimerl, wrote, titled "Pope Francis’ fight against the Latin Mass is ‘a fight against the Church’" Read it hereIt is extremely insightful, and I highly recommend it.

A huge THANK YOU for this article, LifeSite, and to Fr. Heimerl ! The Old Mass, the TLM, could in no way represent the "NuChurch" that the Modernists at Vatican II wanted to create, so it had to go. Of course it did. THAT'S why Bergoglio so hates the TLM. It stands in his way. And he will stop at nothing to achieve what he wants. Rumor has it he fully intends to officially, full-stop, BAN the Traditional Latin Mass. That'll put the fox among the chickens. His time to create his Synodal Church is short, and every day might be his last. The Argentine Luther had to wait till he could stuff Benedict into the back of a van, but he charges on full steam ahead now.

A Schism is coming. A Schism is coming because it already exists, and has existed de facto since Vatican II; it just took a while for us to "get our bearings". Like someone just waking up in a strange environment, or after an operation, it takes a moment to get one's bearings. It took even Archbishop Lefebvre a few years to fully realize what was happening and the extent of the betrayal. And it WAS a betrayal of the Catholic faithful. A betrayal by the cocky Modernists who knew most Catholics were so conditioned to "pray, pay, and obey" that they would soldier along with it, at least up to the point. (Everyone has a breaking point.) So, no wonder about Ottaviani and Bacci, powerful orthodox Cardinals Fr. Heimerl mentions who confronted Paul VI about all this, but ultimately didn't call for his excommunication. Raised as loyal sons of the old Church, they could not bring themselves to do the needful.

Now, today, however, we have NO EXCUSE. Sixty years of facing lavender firing squads taking potshots at us, we know all too well what's happening. No. More. No more bleating sheep-like, "Baa, baat the bishop says so-and-so!" No more Disney princess bishops at all or histrionic priests flamboyantly auditioning at the Cranmer table "altars". No more "Prayers of the People" that seem to channel Leftist party talking points or the trendy social causes du jour. No more tolerating the destruction of the Holy Catholic Church. Zero tolerance. Start it saying in your own minds. Then tell family and friends, then priests and bishops. Say a prayer for the strength to grasp it and to admit it.

Some bishops, even one, will have to openly declare Bergoglio in Schism. I doubt Burke or Müller would. Maybe they might over women deacons; Viganò would. And sure, Bergoglio would rage, and excommunicate left, right, and center, but it is clear to anyone with two cents of a brain that Bergoglio himself is the innovator, the challenger, the heretic.

And that even as it morphs into the "Synodal Church", the Vatican II Church has finally manifested itself as the infamous, but prophesied, "Ape of the Church".

Thanks again to LifeSiteNews amd Fr. Joachim Heimerl.


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Bergoglio Is an Unconscionable, Diabolical Liar


Such is my takeaway after listening to Fr. Charles Murr discuss Bergoglio with John-Henry Westen and Liz Yore here at LifeSiteNews

The first half of this episode is Fr. Murr detailing (and I mean detailing) how Bergoglio, as a young Jesuit and then a bishop and archbishop, would come to Rome and "pump" Vatican insiders for inside information. Bergoglio also represented himself as a strong conservative and very much the anti-Communist, so much so that he fooled a good friend and mentor of Fr. Murr's, a friend who had been raised in Northern Italy, knew all about Communists, and was a die-hard enemy of Marxists. So Bergoglio fooled everyone, and it was one of the ways The Ogre got himself eventually elected pope. (Along with all the other behind-the-scenes nefarious goings on the Freemasons were plotting, naturally.)

And of course this proves Archbishop Viganò's idea that Bergoglio isn't a valid pope because he accepted the papacy illegally in that the Argentinian devil had NO INTENTION of serving as a pope is supposed to. He lied there, too, in other words. Yes, yes, yes, it may be that Benedict didn't abdicate the papacy correctly, and other aspects factor in, but clearly Bergoglio has never had ANY intention of serving the office as a successor of Peter is supposed to. Out with the vermin!

WHY do we commit suicide? Why does Europe flood itself with Muslims who have no intention of ever becoming "European"? Why do we tolerate that evil child molester Joe Biden flooding the U.S.A. with enemies while he drains the economy and the military and impoverishes the country by sending its wealth to a dictatorship in Ukraine? (Well, there the U.S. politicians are laundering money and "farming" child sex slaves.)

And most of all, WHY do we Catholic tolerate – even obey (Bishop Strickland, among so many others, I'm looking at you!) – a putrid hypocrite con-artist like Bergoglio, so obviously the son of his father, the Father of Lies, in fact? WHY? Has Catholicism become a suicide cult?

To every and any Catholic or "popesplainer" who says, "But he's pope! The world's bishops say he is!" I shout back: "Fool! If someone tells you to shoot yourself between the eyes, do you do it? No matter who he is?"

Listen to Fr. Murr tell what he knows about the younger Francis and how he slimed his way into power in the Church, and then try to tell me Jorge Mario Bergoglio isn't a true son of the Fallen Lightbringer himself.

Not dealing with this travesty is wrecking the Church, from top to bottom, as we see now with this blasphemous "funeral" of a deviant and promoter of deviancy from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Of course they claim they didn't know. Right. In the Empire of Lies, even the Truth looks guilty.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Anglicans Are Thieves, and So Is Bergoglio (and Vatican II in toto)


Bergoglio the Thief has stolen another important Traditional Latin Mass in the U.S., this one in Texas. Anthony Stine reports thoroughly on this theft here: "The Vatican Just Crushed One Of The Most Iconic Traditional Masses In The US".

Why do we Catholics tolerate this deprivation of our ancestral spiritual inheritance? Take the example of the "CofE", a.k.a. the Anglican Church.

Anglicans and the Anglican Church are thieves. Why? Those beautiful, massive piles of rock in England that are known as Medieval English Cathedrals do not belong to them. They belong to us, to Catholics. They were built by Catholics for Catholic Traditional Latin Rite worship of God (sometimes in ancient local variations) and funded via Catholic donations. The Anglicans, a false hodge-podge mess created by Fat 'Arry 8th and his (most likely non-genetic) daughter Elizabeth, stole OUR family heirlooms AND WE DEMAND THEM BACK. Well, not so much, alas.

Historical Perspective
As with the devastation of "Ape of the Church", Jorge Mario Bergoglio, it all came about via the exercise of power politics. After the death of Henry VIII's Catholic daughter, Mary Tudor (Protestants called her "Bloody Mary" but her sister was Godzilla in comparison!), the English government aggressively shut down Catholicism in England, on a more bloody scale than what Bergoglio is trying to do. Scholars estimate that by the time of the English Civil War (1642-1651), the country was still half Catholic. Cromwell put an end to that. (He certainly tried to do so in Ireland, the murderous servant of Satan. Thousands murdered.) It wasn't until September 1850 that Pope Pius IX issued Universalis Ecclesiae, which re-established Catholic diocesan hierarchy in England. Of course, the English government, officially Protestant, officially allowed this to happen. The Church created new dioceses and began building new buildings. BUT except for rare bits and pieces WE NEVER GOT BACK WHAT WAS STOLEN FROM US, and from whatever I've read on it, we never dared ask. (What we did get we bought.)
  1. The official Protestantism was too strong (though the "non-conformist" Protestants were supportive in many ways). 
  2. This process of hierarchy restoration was extremely drawn out over a century, and constantly frustrated by English State Protestantism. 
  3. The French Revolution served as a turning point: the relocation of thousands of Catholic clergy from the continent massively affected the situation. Even though most eventually returned, they left a strong impression, inspiring such as the "Oxford Movement". 
  4. So, too, did the constant Irish agitation for ending the Penal Laws against Catholics. 
  5. It is an incredible story and it owes a lot to Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Wiseman, a Spaniard of Irish descent who came to England and worked tirelessly for it.
But what another 100 years have done! By 1950, a mere century later and almost four centuries after the death of Queen Mary in 1558 (392 years), Anglicanism slid downhill on a fast decline to irrelevancy. Except to ecclesiastical thugs like Bergoglio, today Anglicanism is dead. A true revenant. A Leftist, Woke "Church", with women priestess and bishops; a majority of practicing "Anglicans" are actually evangelicals of various kinds. Whether silly woke idiots in "fancy dress" (bishops and clergy pretend) or as born-agains who eschew the Anglican fancy-dress tapestry, Anglicans have no need – and have no money – for their Medieval Cathedrals.

So, if only we had a pope, we should unanimously demand them back. Or maybe we would have by now except we have Bergoglio the Defendor Perverti Omnia and the rest of the Vatican II crowd of imps and over-aged catamites who apparently like to kiss Anglican derrieres (even female ones). The utter spectacle of Anglicans in Rome, having one of their Protestant services in a Catholic Church and all that footage of Bergoglio being blessed by them – including a woman "bishop" – should remind us that all of Vatican II is essentially a "Stealth" Protestantism. It always was. Or actually something not religious at all.

Thus when I say the Anglicans are thieves, I mean it literally. But then, so are the mavens of Vatican II, culminating in the pestilent revenant that is Bergoglio. WHAT IS Vatican II but theft? Didn't Paul VI and John Paul II and Bergoglio simply say, "You Catholics cannot be Catholic any more. You have to be quasi-Protestant." We'll excommunicate you if you try to be Catholic. (Be Anglicans, basically. Or a sort of mainstream Lutheran or generic Calvinist.)

Think about it. Didn't Paul VI simply say, "Alright, you recalcitrant Papists, no more Catholicism for you! We're getting rid of all the golden rulings and Deposit of Faith, in a word, the Tradition handed down to us over the past two thousand years, and replacing it with a glop of goop. A big, steaming porridge of equal parts orthodoxy, heterodoxy, and wishy-washy pablum. Goop! AND you're going to like it!" And didn't they say of the Traditional Latin Mass, "No more of this! We're going to replace 2,000 years of prayer tradition and Holy Ghost guidance with a committee-derived wishy-washy narcissism where you stare at the priest for 45 minutes and read his facial expressions."

Anthony Stine has an excellent podcast here titled "The Next Phase Of Banning The Traditional Latin Mass Has Begun". Stine details a great deal of what the putrefying Bergoglio is up to regarding the TLM, and he mentions how Arthur Roche, a Cardinal-flunkie toady of Bergoglio in charge of basically destroying the Traditional Latin Mass, has plainly said the old Mass does not reflect modern Church teaching. The Novus Ordo Gloop Mass does. Which, of course, is all the more reason to reject the Novus Ordo as it reflects some new (i.e. "novus") Church or other. 
  • I repeat: the new Mass represents a new religion; they acknowledge the Old Mass does not and cannot reflect that new religion, so it has to be damned.
And that's my point. We've had our actual Catholic Church of 2000 years stolen from us. The Anglicans did the same in the 1500s. Unlike say Baptists or Methodists who "start from scratch" (or at least they intend to) and create their own Churches – and certainly their own church buildings – the Anglicans and Lutherans take OUR churches and OUR ecclesiastical vestments, and "ape" OUR religion. And hasn't the Vatican II Church done exactly the same thing? This insight gives new meaning to the phrase "Ape of the Church", doesn't it?

The Catholic Cathedrals of England should be returned to us because they were stolen, yes, but also because the pathetic Anglican Church can't pay for their upkeep. Canterbury Cathedral came up in the news recently because the Protestant administrator there, the "dean" of the Cathedral, ran a "silent disco" in the Cathedral's nave. Hence the erroneous name: "Rave in the Nave"; apparently it isn't technically a "rave", whatever that is, but a booze (and no doubt drug)-fueled dance party wherein the participants listen and contort to carnally inspired music through their headphones, not amplifiers, so neighbors can't complain. 

This caused a good bit of controversy, as thankfully actual believers still exist in England. Indignant protestors called it desecration, and it is. This article has details. Catholic Herald columnist Gavin Ashenden has an excellent reflection on all this here: "Rave in the Nave at Canterbury: if the Church of England doesn’t know what its cathedrals are for, can we have them back?" Ashenden knows the Cathedral very well. Lots of lovely and pious reflection on the spiritual presence of the great Cathedral, with the prayers of Catholics for centuries radiating from its very stones. Indeed, since the Anglicans plainly have no clue what to do with their ancestral Catholic inheritance, give it back to us! 

And as we see with Bergoglio's actions involving the Anglicans recently, he, himself, Bergoglio – and really the whole dying Vatican II apparatus – is just as much a thief as the Anglicans. Imagine someone in the British government forcing the hapless Anglicans to give back to us Catholics just one or two of these magnificent medieval ziggurats. After clearing out the Protestant stuff and reconsecrating the returned Cathedrals, what's the first thing the Catholic hierarchy of England and Wales would do? 

Offer the flaccid, floppy, faltering Novus Ordo in them. Now, THAT's desecration!

   An Préachán

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Kennedy Hall's Litany of Truth, with My Comments


Mr Kennedy Hall, traditional Catholic apologist and podcaster, has up on his Substack the following "Litany of Truth" and challenges his readers to put it up. I gladly accept the challenge as I agree with a lot of what he writes anyway, though I don't think Bergoglio is an actual Pope, as Mr Hall does, and I refuse to call that, ahem, individual, anything but his actual name. (I.e. "The Old Devil" or "The Ogre" and other such.) But, whatever. I assume Mr Hall takes this position because it is the SSPX's position on Bergoglio. (And Mr Hall is 110 percent SSPX.)

So, here it is in boldcase. My comments – exhibiting my rather morbid, off-the-wall humor – are in parens; ().

Litany of Truth

I have a challenge for you. (Mr Kennedy writes.) Over the next few weeks, I challenge my readers to utter any of these truths in mixed company or online in an open forum.
  • Feminism is transgenderism (Ah, and here I've always wondered why some feminists were so darned ugly.)
  • Judaism is definitionally the religion of Antichrist (First off, any organized group that rejects Christ can be said to be "anti-Christ" to begin with. Islam certainly is. Secondly, this is a way to target Jews and in turn is a great way to get targeted by Jews. One can also ask: Which Judaism? There are so many Judaisms to choose from. Most of them "not-religious". I know, I know, but hey, that's Judaism today. And anyway, if you have four Jews, you have five opinions, goes the old saying. This is, truly, a quagmire.)
  • The Novus Ordo is an abomination and should be destroyed (I think it died 30 years ago and it has been rattling chains ever since. For myself, I often wonder what my life would have been been like were I to have had unfettered access to the TLM from 1965 to 1985, instead of all those decades of spiritual "junk food". We were all robbed, AND LIED TO, and now Bergoglio is apparently going to change it all again. I hope he does, because that will FINALLY blow it all up. Good riddance.)
  • Sodomy cries out to heaven (Isn't that called "squeaking from the feeling"? Sorry, couldn't resist. Sodomy is more than carnal depravity: it's the deepest anti-Life heresy.)
  • Mohammed is in Hell with Martin Luther and Maimonides (As a cousin of You-Know-Who, I suspect Maimonides now has a luxury car dealership in Upper Purgatory. Seriously, Muhammad [proper spelling] and Luther did true and lasting harm to the Body of Christ resulting in the loss of millions of souls; Maimonides was a physician and philosopher quoted by Aquinas, who called him "The Rabbi".)
  • There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church (And Mr Kennedy Hall, there's supposed to be salvation within THIS Bergoglioan Catholic Church?!?)
  • Surrogacy is human trafficking (No argument here! And U.S. Catholic Charities is up to its eyebrows in trafficking kids across the U.S. Southern Border. It's wicked, wicked, and evil altogether.)
  • Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s son (And both just as stupid AND as ugly as his pa.)
  • Freedom of speech is a liberal heresy and is unacceptable to Catholics (And...? And? Then what? Are Catholics supposed to let BERGOGLIO tell them what to think? Or Paul VI? All censorship raises the question of who does the censoring: there's no way to confirm the good being censored as well as the bad. But also, who is going to take it from me? Bergoglio? Tucho? Leftists in general? They'd better not. I, for one, can become suddenly very pagan, indeed.)
  • Vatican II was a complete disaster and should be done away with (No argument here, either.)
  • There is no such thing as religious liberty because there is no such thing as liberty for heresy (Then there's no crown for having Faith, either. Think about it.)
  • Porn addiction is rampant amongst most men, even many trad Catholics, and men who watch porn should be slapped silly until they wise up (This is another truth of this Satan-begotten Age, but God has always kept a pretty large Remnant.)
  • The bishops who have covered up for perverts or promoted sodomy would be exiled to the desert — or worse — in a saner time (St John Chrysostom, died 407 A.D., wrote that the road to Hell was paved with bishops' skulls. This is a problem that is always with us.)
  • Israel is a genocidal state, and Hamas is following Islam to the letter (Regarding Islam: That's what you get when you worship the Moon and murder people. Otherwise, nope, sorry. Know that a little over 7 million Israeli citizens are Jews, with around 2,080,000 people who are Israeli citizens being Arabs, whether Muslim or Christian or whatever. If Israel was "genocidal", none of these would exist: hence, it is not genocidal. This I cannot emphasize enough. If one cannot be scrupulous in telling the truth in one thing, who will trust them saying anything else? [Yes, Gaza, Gaza, Gaza; but that's an entire article by itself.])
  • Zionism is Satanic (That just gives insane fuel to every radical Muslim who wants to kill all the Jews on Earth. And 100s of millions of Muslims want to do just that. Christians do not want to kill Jews and Jews do not want to kill Christians. Muslims want to liquidate both. The bottom line is simple: Should God not be with Zionism, as many hyper-Orthodox rabbis argue He is not, then it will fail. Gamaliel would state that. On the other hand, if they ever start rebuilding the Temple, we can expect Armageddon, from any number of different angles.)
  • Any bishop who works against Tradition is doing the work of Satan (Vatican II bishops have disregarded Tradition; Tradition is defined by St. Paul in First Corinthians, chapters 11 and 15. So, this is painfully obvious.)
  • Popesplainers suffer from cult-like psychology and metaphysically view the pope like Muslims view Allah — he can contradict himself and change his will at any time (Yep. Yet YOU accept Bergoglio as pope, too. That's simply crazy.)
  • People who want to force you to get vaccinated are perverts who want to stick you with something that you don’t want in your body (Definitely.)
  • Evolution is a Gnostic creation myth that has no support from sound natural science and any Catholic “apologist” who promotes it is doing the work of the Devil, whether he knows it or not (Evolution is a lot of things, and all of them are bad.)
  • Come on guys, I say these things on a routine basis on my podcast, it shouldn’t be so hard to say at least one of these things.
AnP again:
Well, I've listed them, with my comments. FWIW.

 Pax vobiscum.
  An Préachán